📋🔬 International Projects - IIS Aragón (October 2023)
October 2023
The international projects office of the IIS Aragón has created this monthly newsletter through which it will inform about the calls for projects that are open, the events and the conferences that may be interesting in this regard for the research and management staff.
If you want to contact the international projects office you can do so through this email address: international@iisaragon.es.
Open calls
Open as long as funding remains available
ISIDORE project: call for proposals
ISIDORe can support your research project by providing you free access to their services. Consult our scientific strategy and apply to one of our calls for proposals below. 1. Vector-borne diseases: The geographic and host ranges of vector-borne diseases are expanding, mostly due to anthropogenic factors. With rising temperatures and changing weather patterns, the risk of these diseases affecting increasingly large areas of the world will continue to rise, as reflected by the record number cases of dengue (including non-imported ones) and West Nile virus observed in Europe in 2022. The proposal has to be focused on at least one eligible vector-borne pathogen (see below and full full ISIDORe PPP list).
2. Respiratory pathogens: A large number of pathogens target the human respiratory tract, resulting in a broad spectrum of clinical manifestations including life-threatening acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). While serious respiratory infections are predominantly caused by RNA viruses, other types of pathogens can be involved. The modes of transmission of respiratory pathogens often give them a significant epidemic potential. The proposal has to be focused on at least one eligible respiratory pathogen, excluding SARS-CoV-2 (see below and full full ISIDORe PPP list).
Through this call, research projects on inflammatory bowel disease will be funded for a maximum of two years. Thematic areas:
• Precision medicine approach which is the tailoring of medical treatment to the individual patient, encompassing a multitude of data-driven (including multi-omic) approaches to foster appropriate clinical decision making.
• Research on ways to improve IBD management among underserved groups, such as treat to target approaches.
• Studies quantifying the socio-economic and psychological burden of IBD and its correlation with social determinants of health.
HADEA has published 12 calls for proposals under the 2023 EU4Health Work Programme. The topics include healthcare access, mental health, NCDs, cancer, Substances of Human Origin, medical devices and events organization.
EU4H-2023-PJ-01: Supporting access to medical devices for cross border health threats (HERA).
EU4H-2023-PJ-02: Supporting stakeholders on the prevention of NCDs in the area of ​​chronic respiratory diseases.
EU4H-2023-PJ-03: Preventing NCDs in the area of ​​mental health including actions supporting vulnerable population groups, such as migrants, refugees, Roma people and displaced people from Ukraine.
EU4H-2023-PJ-04: Preventing NCDs in the area of ​​dementia and other neurological disorders.
EU4H-2023-PJ-05: Supporting the implementation of the strategic agenda for medical ionizing radiation applications (SAMIRA) – organization of clinical audit campaigns as a tool to improve quality and safety of medical applications of ionizing radiation.
EU4H-2023-PJ-10: Action grants on Facilitating Organ Paired Exchange.
EU4H-2023-PJ-11 : Program on orphan medical devices, in particular targeting pediatric patients.
EU4H-2023-PJ-12: Action grants to contribute to the organizations of conferences and events.
Action grants on mental health challenges for cancer patients and survivors:
ERC-2024-STG: Call for Proposals for ERC Starting Grant
The ERC Starting Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are starting their own independent research team or programme. Principal Investigators must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition, and feasibility of their research proposal.
The Principal Investigators shall have successfully defended their first PhD at least 2 and up to 7 years prior to 1 January 2024. However, this period can be extended beyond 7 years in certain properly documented circumstances.
Starting Grants may be awarded up to a maximum of EUR 1 for a period of 5 years.
Participants are invited to submit COST Action proposals contributing to the scientific, technological, economic, cultural or societal advancement knowledge and development of Europe. Multi- and interdisciplinary proposals are encouraged.
The Open Call Action proposal submission, evaluation, selection and approval (SESA) procedure is fully science and technology-driven and will ensure a simple, transparent and competitive proposal evaluation and selection process, reflecting the bottom-up, open and inclusive principles of COST . Participants planning to submit a proposal for a COST
Action will need to refer to the SESA guidelines and to the Open Call Announcement available on the Documents and Guidelines page.
Project results are expected to contribute to the following outcomes:
For researchers
Enhanced opportunities to interact with citizens and local, regional and national authorities;
Improved communication skills and competences to interact with a non-research audience, notably with pupils and students.
For organizations
Increased reputation and visibility of participating organizations in terms of hosting excellence research projects towards the general public and possible future students;
Researchers' work made more tangible, concrete, accessible, and thus opening research and science to all;
Improved outreach to all audiences, and notably those who do not have an easy access to science and research activities;
Better communication of R&I results and activities to society, increased and strengthened opportunities for citizens' engagement.
IHI Call 4 (HORIZON-JU-IHI-2023-04-02-two-stage) is a two stage call for proposals with the following topics:
Topic 1: Expanding translational knowledge in minipigs: a path to reduce and replace non-human primates in non-clinical safety assessment.
Topic 2: Patient-centric blood sample collection to enable decentralized clinical trials and improve access to healthcare.
Topic 3: Inclusive clinical studies for equitable access to clinical research in Europe.
Topic 4: Establishing novel approaches to improve clinical trials for rare and ultra-rare diseases.
Topic 5: Safe & Sustainable by Design (SSbD) packaging and single use device solutions for healthcare products.
Topic 6: Sustainable circular development and manufacturing of healthcare products and their quantitative impact assessment.
ERC-2024-SyG: Call for proposals for ERC Synergy Grant.
The aim is to provide support for a small group of two to four Principal Investigators to jointly addressambitious research problems that could not be addressed by the individual Principal Investigators and their teams working alone. Synergy projects should enable substantial advances at the frontiers of knowledge, stemming, for example, from the cross-fertilization of scientific fields, from new productive lines of enquiry, or new methods and techniques, including unconventional approaches and investigations at the interface between established disciplines . The transformative research funded by Synergy Grants should have the potential of becoming a benchmark on a global scale.
MSCA Doctoral Networks will implement doctoral programmes, by partnerships of universities, research institutions and research infrastructures, businesses including SMEs, and other socio-economic actors from different countries across Europe and beyond. Type of actions:
Through this call it is intended to finance preclinical and/or translational research projects to optimize the use of cancer immunotherapy in clinical practice.
Applicant candidates, regardless of their nationality, must:
Be linked as a doctoral assistant professor (or higher), with a non-profit institution in any country in the world.
Be qualified scientists with an interest in exploring clinically relevant questions aimed at improving the effectiveness of immunotherapies in the treatment of cancer.
This call is aimed at researchers who are at the stage of their career, in which they are still consolidating their own team or independent research program and continuing to develop a successful career in Europe.
It is open to research staff of any nationality with 7 to 12 years of experience since completing the doctorate, as long as their host institution is located in a Member State or Associated Country. The reading of your thesis must have been carried out between 01/01/2012 and 31/12/2016. It can be obtained extension of this eligibility window in cases of maternity, paternity, long-term illness or care of family members with long-term illnesses (more than 90 days), clinical specialization, asylum seeker or victim of natural disaster (pages 25-26 of the Work Program 2024).
In this call, projects on the frontier of knowledge are financed with a budget of up to 2 million euros for a period of 5 years. There is the possibility of requesting an additional million euros to cover the "start-up" costs of research personnel who move from a third country to Europe as a result of having received this project, for the purchase of large equipment, for access to large facilities and/or for experimental or of field work (excluding personnel costs).
IHI – Call 5 (HORIZON-JU-IHI-2023-05) is a single-stage call for proposals with the following topics:
Topic 1: Accelerating the implementation of New Approach Methodologies and other innovative non-animal approaches for the development, testing and production of health technologies.
Topic 2: Development and proof of principle of new clinical applications of theranostics solutions.
Topic 3: Improved prediction, detection, and treatment approaches for comprehensive stroke management
Topic 4: Maximizing the potential of synthetic data generation in healthcare applications
HORIZON-MSCA-2023-COFUND-01-01: MSCA COFUND co-finances new or existing doctoral programs and postdoctoral fellowship schemes with the aim of spreading the best practices of the MSCA including international, inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary research training, as well as international and cross-sectoral mobility of researchers at all stages of their career.In practice, MSCA COFUND provides complementary funding for doctoral or postdoctoral programs managed by entities established in EU Member States or Horizon Europe Associated Countries. Those co-funded programs must follow MSCA's good practice in terms of international recruitment and minimum standard of employment for the recruited fellows as described in the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
HORIZON-MSCA-2023-SE-01-01: MSCA Staff Exchanges promote innovative international, inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary collaboration in research and innovation through exchanging staff and sharing knowledge and ideas at all stages of the innovation chain. The scheme fosters a shared culture of research and innovation that welcomes and rewards creativity and entrepreneurship and helps turn ideas into innovative products, services or processes. It is open to research, technical, administrative and managerial staff supporting R&I activities.
OCTOBER 2023 EUROPE HORIZON To support staff preparing proposals for an ERC Consolidator Grant, a series of webinars will be held:
Webinar I: ERC Call - Consolidator Grant 2024 (first steps) (2h). TBA October
In this first ERC Consolidator Grant 2024 webinar, the basic issues of the call will be indicated: news about WP2024, process, evaluation panels and criteria, proposal format and then the curricular part will be delved into (Sections B1b and B1c). Finally, a space of at least half an hour will be dedicated to collectively resolve any doubts that may have arisen about the call and this first part of the curriculum. The workshop will be given by the ERC National Contact Points and will be attended by the Spanish Representative on the ERC Program Committee.
Webinar II: How to prepare an ERC- Consolidator Grant 2024 proposal (2h). TBA October
In the second ERC Consolidator Grant 2024 webinar, some guidelines will be indicated to properly write the sections dedicated to the proposal: Abstract, Section B1a y B2. Information will also be provided on how to complete the budget section and the inclusion of collaborations or third parties in the proposal. Finally, after a break, a space of at least half an hour will be dedicated to collectively resolve any doubts that may have arisen about these sections. The workshop will be given by the National Contact Points of ERC and Legal and Financial Affairs.
Webinar II: learning from ERC- Consolidator Grant 2022 (2h). TBA November
In this webinar, suggestions and advice will be transmitted to apply for an ERC-Consolidator Grant 2024 through the experience of 3 Principal Investigators from the last resolved call, one for each scientific domain. The last half hour will be dedicated to resolving questions from the audience.
In the second phase of the evaluation of ERC-COG-2024, the European Office of the FECYT will carry out mock interviews for those candidates who, having passed to this second phase with a Spanish Host Institution, wish to train themselves on how to face the real interview (the tentative calendar planned for them is July-September 2024).
The European Commission organizes a new online information day on flat-rate financing, lump sum, in Horizon Europe, which will be held next day 19 October.
During the day, we will explain how this form of financing works and how to write a proposal in these cases. There will also be a session on practical experiences.
The event will be broadcast live over the Internet and it is not necessary to register in advance to participate.
The European Commission organizes a day on subsidy management in Horizon Europe, which will take place on October 24.
During the session, the legal basis of the amendments, the process to be followed and the computer tool will be reviewed. The subsidy payment system and the preparation of reports will also be remembered.
Aragón Health Research Institute (IIS Aragón)
Biomedical Research Center of Aragon (CIBA)
Avda. San Juan Bosco, nº 13. 50009 - Zaragoza
Tel. +34 976 71 64 17 | +34 976 71 44 02
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