The international projects office of the IIS Aragón has created this monthly newsletter through which it will inform about the calls for projects that are open, the events and the conferences that may be interesting in this regard for the research and management staff.
If you want to contact the international projects office you can do so through this email address:
The expected outcome of the call is to improve the efficacy of current detection, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of cancers, through the development of novel approaches based on a better understanding of cancer epigenetics. The specific objectives of this funding opportunity are to stimulate new partnerships between researchers and clinicians and support original, high-quality projects, with significant clinical impact.
HORIZON-INFRA-2022-SERV-B-01-01: Implementing digital services to empower neuroscience research for health and brain inspired technology via EBRAINS.
On April 12, the new MSCA-PF call opened to present the proposal no later than 13/09/2023. It is a good time to start working on the proposal, so, if you are interested, you can contact us
DIGITAL-2021-DEPLOY-01-HEALTH: DigitalHealthUptake Call for Twinnigs. Uptake of digital solutions in Health and Care. Cascade funding.
HORIZON-MISS-2023-CLIMA-01-03: Testing and demonstrating transformative solutions to build resilience towards health risks caused by the effects of climate change.
The ERC Proof of Concept Grants aim at facilitating exploration of the commercial and social innovation potential of ERC funded research, by funding further work (ie activities which were not scheduled to be funded by the original ERC frontier research grant) to verify the innovation potential of ideas arising from ERC funded projects. Proof of Concept Grants are therefore on offer only to Principal Investigators whose proposals draw substantially on their ERC funded research.
The financial contribution will be awarded as a lump sum of EUR 150 000 for a period of 18 months. The ERC expects that, normally, proof of concept activities should be completed within 12 months. However, to allow for those projects that require more preparation time, the grant agreements will be signed for 18 months. Extensions of the duration of proof of concept projects may be granted only exceptionally. The lump sum will cover the beneficiaries' direct and indirect eligible costs for the project: if the project is implemented properly, the amounts will be paid regardless of the costs actually incurred . The lump sum has been designed to cover the beneficiaries' personnel costs, subcontracting, purchase costs, other cost categories, and indirect costs.
All Principal Investigators in an ongoing ERC main grant or in an ERC main grant that has ended less than 12 months before 1 January 2023, are eligible to apply for an ERC Proof of Concept Grant.
For further information please see the ERC Work Program 2023.
The goal of the Well being
call is to fund innovative social science research addressing one or more of the call themes. This call aims to promote diversity in research. When building research consortia, applicants are strongly encouraged to take into account the following aspects:
gender balance
Academic age balance
Geographical diversity
Knowledge exchange and impact
Proposals must be submitted via the EPSS system CALL DOCUMENTS
The EDCTP exists to accelerate the clinical development of new or improved health technologies for the identification, treatment and prevention of neglected and poverty-related infectious diseases, including (re)emerging diseases, particularly those affecting sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). ). In addition, the EDCTP funds activities to develop research capacity in Africa, supporting the networking and careers of researchers and strengthening national health research systems.
HADEA has published 12 calls for proposals under the 2023 EU4Health Work Programme. The topics include healthcare access, mental health, NCDs, cancer, Substances of Human Origin, medical devices and events organization.
EU4H-2023-PJ-01: : Supporting access to medical devices for cross border health threats (HERA)
: Supporting stakeholders on the prevention of NCDs in the area of chronic respiratory diseases
: Preventing NCDs in the area of mental health including actions supporting vulnerable population groups, such as migrants, refugees, Roma people and displaced people from Ukraine.
: Preventing NCDs in the area of dementia and other neurological disorders.
: Supporting the implementation of the strategic agenda for medical ionizing radiation applications (SAMIRA) – organization of clinical audit campaigns as a tool to improve quality and safety of medical applications of ionizing radiation.
: Action grants on Facilitating Organ Paired Exchange
: Program on orphan medical devices, in particular targeting pediatric patients.
: Action grants to contribute to the organizations of conferences and events.
Action grants on mental health challenges for cancer patients and survivors:
Participants are invited to submit COST Action proposals contributing to the scientific, technological, economic, cultural or societal advancement knowledge and development of Europe. Multi- and interdisciplinary proposals are encouraged.
The Open Call Action proposal submission, evaluation, selection and approval (SESA) procedure is fully science and technology-driven and will ensure a simple, transparent and competitive proposal evaluation and selection process, reflecting the bottom-up, open and inclusive principles of COST .
Participants planning to submit a proposal for a COST Action will need to refer to the SESA guidelines and to the Open Call Announcement available on the Documents and Guidelines page.
Project results are expected to contribute to the following outcomes:
For researchers
Enhanced opportunities to interact with citizens and local, regional and national authorities;
Improved communication skills and competences to interact with a non-research audience, notably with pupils and students.
For organizations
Increased reputation and visibility of participating organizations in terms of hosting excellence research projects towards the general public and possible future students;
Researchers' work made more tangible, concrete, accessible, and thus opening research and science to all;
Improved outreach to all audiences, and notably those who do not have an easy access to science and research activities;
Better communication of R&I results and activities to society, increased and strengthened opportunities for citizens' engagement.
MSCA Doctoral Networks will implement doctoral programmes, by partnerships of universities, research institutions and research infrastructures, businesses including SMEs, and other socio-economic actors from different countries across Europe and beyond.
and competences relevant for innovation and long-term employability (eg entrepreneurship, commercialization of results, Intellectual Property Rights, communication).
Mondays at SOST (2nd season) From April 24 to July 17, 2023 | Registration
Second season (spring 2023) of 10-11 sessions (almost) every Monday between 11 a.m. and 12.30:XNUMX p.m. (approx.) Registration and subsequent material (video & slides) on the CDTI platform.
Weekly sessions of about 60-90 minutes to offer an overview of the partnerships associated with the Pillar-II Clusters of Horizon Europe, for each sector or sub-sector.
Main objective: update and improve knowledge of these initiatives to allow a good understanding of the landscape of options to participate in Horizon Europe. Have a vision of the next initiatives to be implemented in the coming years, know the influential and decision-making actors to better position ourselves and improve our “lobbying” and relevance actions.
Target audience: all those public and private entities, researchers, technologists, profit and non-profit companies and organizations (including public administration of all areas) that participate or want to participate in collaborative Framework Program projects. During the session, questions from the public are collected through chat and answered during breaks in the guests' speech.
Horizon Europe Open Science requirements in practice
From July 4, 2023 12:00 p.m. | Events
Have any doubts or questions about your obligations as a Horizon Europe (HE) grant holder in terms of Open Access to publications and Research Data Management? We will present the HE requirements, followed by some time for your questions to our experts. You will also get a preview of the main tools and services OpenAIRE provides to help project coordinators and research support staff on the requirements' compliance.
Learn about:
Mandatory and recommended Open Science requirements in HE.
Compliance with the HE Open Access to publications mandate.
Managing and sharing Research Data in HE projects.
Delivering Data Management Plans and reporting publications and datasets in HE.
OpenAIRE tools and services to support HE projects.
Target audience: Project Coordinators, Researchers, Research Managers, Librarians and Data Stewards.
The ISCIII, with the collaboration of the MCIN and the CSIC, organizes a Conference on European Research Infrastructures in the area of Health, in which the Infrastructures that exist in the field of health, the services they offer to the scientific community will be presented. and success stories in the use of these Infrastructures will be presented. In addition, during the Conference, there will be a presentation that will put the role of Infrastructures in European research in context and a discussion table on the upcoming challenges that these Research Infrastructures face.
The Conference will take place on July 4, 2023, at 10 a.m. in the Ernest Lluch Room of the Carlos III Health Institute.
To help prepare applications for the next ERC-Synergy Grant 2024 call, which is expected to open on 12/07/2023 and close on 08/11/2023, on Tuesday, July 4, 2023 12:00-13:45 p.m. is going to hold a webinar.
The Synergy Grants call is open to a group of two to four principal investigators (PIs), of which one will be designated as the corresponding PI (CoIP), who work together and bring different skills and resources to address research problems. ambitious, which could not be addressed by a single IP working autonomously.
One principal investigator (PI) per Synergy group may be located at an institution outside the European Union or associated countries.
Synergy Grants groups can apply for a maximum of €10 million for a period of 6 years. In addition, up to four million additional euros can be requested to cover the "start-up" costs of researchers moving from a third country to the EU or an associated country and/or for the purchase of important equipment and/or for the access to large facilities and/or for field work.
ERC grants cover up to 100% of eligible direct costs plus a 25% contribution of indirect costs. It will be held in English and Spanish interchangeably, according to the preferences of each speaker.
The Call for Doctoral Networks (MSCA Doctoral Networks DN 2023) opened on 30/05/2023, has a closing date of 28/11/2023 and has a budget of 434,80 million euros.
The MSCA DN 2023 call aims to finance international, intersectoral and interdisciplinary consortia within the framework of which pre-doctoral research personnel will be hired and trained. These networks seek to increase the attractiveness and excellence of doctoral training in Europe, promoting the appropriate combination of scientific-technical and transferable skills.
On July 12, 2023, from 10.00:12.00 a.m. to 2023:XNUMX p.m. through an online seminar, the first information session on the MSCA DN XNUMX Call will take place.
There will be the participation of a representative of the Executive Research Agency who will explain the rules of participation as well as the news of this call, as well as a success story from a Spanish entity coordinating a winning DN project.
Aragón Health Research Institute (IIS Aragón)
Biomedical Research Center of Aragon (CIBA)
Avda. San Juan Bosco, nº 13. 50009 - Zaragoza
Tel. +34 976 71 64 17 | +34 976 71 44 02
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