International Projects - IIS Aragón 📋🔬
May 2022

The international projects office of the IIS Aragón has created this monthly newsletter through which it will inform about the calls for projects that are open, the events and the conferences that may be interesting in this regard for the research and management staff. 

If you want to contact the international projects office you can do so through this email address
Current calls

Digital Europe Program

DIGITAL-2022-CLOUD-AI-02-TEF-HEALTH: Testing and Experimentation Facility for Health.
DIGITAL-2022-CYBER-02-SUPPORTHEALTH: Support to cybersecurity in the health sector.
DIGITAL-2022-CLOUD-AI-02-CANCER-IMAGE: Federated European infrastructure for cancer images data.

EU4HEALTH Work Program 2022 (EU4H-2022-PJ)

EU4H-2022-PJ-01: Call for proposals to monitor and strengthen the implementation of innovative approaches to prostate, lung and gastric cancer screening at Union level.
EU4H-2022-PJ-02: Call for proposals on prevention of NCDs – other NCDs (different from cardiovascular diseases and diabetes)
EU4H-2022-PJ-03: Call for proposals on promoting mental health.
EU4H-2022-PJ-04: Call for proposals to support the implementation of the Regulation on health technology assessment – ​​training of patient and clinical experts contributing to joint health technology assessment activities.
EU4H-2022-PJ-05: Call for proposals to support increased capacity of notified bodies for medical devices.
EU4H-2022-PJ-06: Call for proposals to provide training for health workforce, including digital skills.
EU4H-2022-PJ-07: Call for proposals to support Member States and other relevant actors to implement relevant results of innovative public health research in relation to vaccination against COVID-19
EU4H-2022-PJ-08: Call for proposals to develop early warning features and guidance in the area of ​​pricing through the EURIPID database, based on competition.

For more information, please find here the EU4H Work Program 2022.


EU4 Health Program (EU4H-PJG EU4H Project Grants)

EU4H-2022-PJ-09: Call for proposals on promoting mental health: implementing best practices to improve mental health and psychological wellbeing in migrant and refugee populations (EU4H-2022-PJ2).


Open call: Vaccine Development Services and Trainings. TRANSVAC2 is a European vaccine research and development (R&D) infrastructure project coordinated by the European Vaccine Initiative (EVI) and dedicated to accelerating the development of safe, effective and affordable vaccines.

For more information, click here.

European Health Data and Evidence Network (IMI2-2017-12-04 – European Health Data Network (EHDN)

EHDEN Data Partner Call 6: Cascade funding. Becoming the trusted open science community built with standardized health data via a European federated network.

JPIAMR 15th Call Diagnostics and Surveillance Networks

The aim of this call is to assemble networks of leading experts and stakeholders with an intent to facilitate the development, optimization and use of diagnostic and surveillance tools, technologies and systems. Eleven (11) JPIAMR-ACTION members are participating in this network call. Each network coordinator will be able to apply for a maximum of 50,000 Euro for 12 or 24 months period for support of their activities. The total budget of the call is approximately 1 M Euro.

For more information, click here.

Horizon Europe – EIC Accelerator Challenge: Technologies for Open Strategic Autonomy

HORIZON-EIC-2022-ACCELERATORCHALLENGES-01: This EIC Accelerator Challenge identifies the following set of key strategic areas and corresponding specific objectives for which highly innovative start-ups and SMEs are invited to propose new technologies, pioneering solutions and breakthrough innovations:
   •    Components, technologies and systems for the pharmaceutical industry to ensure security of supply including through synthetic biology and novel manufacturing technologies;
   •    Strategic healthcare technologies building on Europe's research strengths in cell and gene therapies, including ribonucleic acid (RNA) based therapies to ensure EU leadership;

Multiple cut-off: 15/06/2022, 05/10/2022.


Full proposal

Topic: Novel translational approaches to address the challenges of hard-to-treat cancers from early diagnosis to therapy. The JTC 2022 call text and related documents will be published simultaneously by the participating funding organizations in their respective countries and on this website: on 23 May 2022.

Horizon Europe – MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships

HORIZON-MSCA-2022-PF-01: On April 13, the new MSCA-PF call opens to present the proposal no later than 14/09/2022. It is a good time to start working on the proposal, so, if you are interested, you can contact us (

Erasmus+Programme 2022
(Partnerships for Innovation: Alliances)

ERASMUS-EDU-2022-PI-ALL-INNO: Alliances for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills (implementing the “Blueprint”. Lump Sum Grants.

Horizon Europe – Research infrastructure services to support health research and accelerate the digital transformation

HORIZON-INFRA-2022-SERV-01-01: Implementing digital services to empower neuroscience research for health and brain inspired technology via EBRAINS. This call will open on 01/06/2022.

Horizon Europe – EIC Transition 2022

HORIZON-EIC-2022-TRANSITIONCHALLENGES-03 : RNA-based therapies and diagnostics for complex or rare genetic diseases.
HORIZON-EIC-2022-TRANSITIONOPEN-01: EIC Transition Open 2022.

Interregional Innovation Investments Instrument (I3) Work program 2021-2022.

I3-2021-INV1-DIGIT: Innovation investments Strand 1 – DIGIT (Digitalisation of healthcare)
I3-2021-INV2a-DIGIT: Innovation investments Strand 2a – DIGIT (Digitalisation of healthcare)

Horizon Europe – MSCA Doctoral Networks 2022

HORIZON-MSCA-2022-DN-01-01: On May 3, the new MSCA-DN call will be opened in all its modalities to present the proposal no later than 15/11/2022.

CDTI-SOST Brussels Mondays
May 9 to 23| Registration
60 min a week to improve the quality of Spanish proposals in Pillar II of Horizon Europe.

“Section 3 – Implementation. “Risk Plan”

Date: May 16, 2022

Time: 11:00 – 12:00 

Registration: click this article. (Registration open until Monday, May 9 at 09:00)


EU Missions info days
May 17 & 18| Konsulta'm
Schedule: 09:00 – 17:00

EU Missions are a new way to bring concrete solutions to some of our greatest challenges. They have ambitious goals and will deliver concrete results in health, climate and the environment by 2030.

At these Info Days we will present a wide range of new topics for all five missions, following the amendment to the Missions' Work Program 2021-2022 under Horizon Europe.

This additional funding will bring the implementation of EU Missions one step forward, paving the way to delivering their full potential.

You will also have the opportunity to hear about the call to create a European Social Innovation Catalyst Fund to advance EU Mission objectives across the board.

The event will provide potential applicants with specific information on the new Missions' Work Program calls, funding opportunities and timelines.

No registration is required.


Horizon Europe – EU Missions calls 2022
 Virtual brokerage event

May 19| Registration
Schedule : 10: 00 - 18: 00

The NCP network of Horizon Europe (Bridge2HE) organizes the event "Horizon Europe – EU Missions calls 2022- Virtual brokerage event" in which bilateral meetings can be held between those interested in the calls for Horizon Europe Missions.

This is an excellent opportunity to find partners for upcoming calls for proposals.

This event is preceded by two information days about the Missions which are organized by the European Commission that will be dedicated to the Missions, which will take place on May 17 and 18.


Information session on MSCA PF 2022 Postdoctoral Projects: news and general aspects of the call
May 20| Registration
Schedule: 10:00 – 12:15

The objective of this call is to improve the creative and innovative potential of doctoral research personnel who wish to acquire new skills through advanced training and international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral mobility. It is open to excellent researchers of any nationality, including those who wish to reintegrate in Europe; to those who aspire to restart their career in research and also to personnel displaced by conflicts. The program also encourages the implementation of research and innovation projects in the non-academic sector.

In this session you will be offered information on news, rules of participation, eligibility aspects and other general aspects of this MSCA call in Horizon Europe. The MSCA National Contact Points will be in charge of giving this seminar and there will also be the testimony of research personnel who have benefited from MSCA projects.


«EATRIS-Plus Summer School in Personalized Medicine 2022» Conference
May 23 to 26| Registration
The second EATRIS-Plus Summer School in Personalized Medicine, within the framework of EATRIS-Plus Project, will take place in person on 23-26 May in Lisbon, Portugal. The overarching topic of the summer school is personalized medicine with a focus on challenges and opportunities along the biomarker development pipeline

30 participants will be selected from all the applications sent before Friday April 15, 2022 following the instructions


ERC Synergy Grant Webinar 2023
May 24| Registration
Schedule: 11:00 – 12:30

A webinar will be held to help prepare applications for the next ERC-Synergy Grant 2023 call, which is expected to open on 13/07/2022, with a closing date of 08/11/2022.

This webinar will not be recorded, but the presentations will be accessible later.

It will be held in English and Spanish interchangeably, according to the preferences of each speaker.


Webinar II: how to prepare an ERC-Starting Grant 2023 proposal
May 26| Registration
Schedule: 11:00 – 13:00

In the second ERC Starting Grant 2023 webinar, some guidelines will be indicated to properly write the sections dedicated to the proposal: Abstract, Section B1a and B2. Some conclusions will also be drawn from the most common comments received in the Evaluation Summary Reports. Finally, a space of at least half an hour will be dedicated to collectively resolve any doubts that may have arisen about these sections. The workshop will be given by the ERC National Contact Points and the National Representative will be present on the Program Committee for question time.


Webinar III: learning from ERC-StG2021. The experience of 3 ERC Grantees
May 31| Registration
Schedule: 09:45 – 11:30

In this third and final webinar to help prepare applications for the ERC-Starting Grant 2023, suggestions and advice for applying for an ERC-Starting Grant 2023 will be transmitted through the experience of 3 Principal Investigators, one for each scientific domain. The last half hour will be dedicated to resolving questions from the audience.

This webinar will be taught in English and Spanish interchangeably, depending on the preference of each of the speakers. It will not be recorded.


ERC Proposal Reading Days 2022
June 06 to November 25| Konsulta'm
Registration is open for the first 5 days of June of the “ERC Proposal Reading Days” 2022 until 22/05/2022.

The ERC Proposal Reading Days They are an initiative where candidates for the European Research Council (ERC) will have the opportunity to read proposals (available as paper copies) that were funded in one of the 2014-2021 calls of said program.

The ERC Reading Day will be subject to limited physical and temporal space (5h) for up to 35 participants per session. The online modality is not contemplated.

To ensure adequate geographical coverage, 10 sessions will be held throughout the national territory over the next few months. 

Each full day of ERC Reading Day will consist of.
• Presentation of the ERC program, 2023 calls by NCP (1 hour)
• Reading of the funded proposals (3 hours); Reading is done autonomously and in silence.
• Practical talk on proposal writing by ERC Grantee (1 hour).


Information session on MSCA PF 2022 Postdoctoral Projects: submission of the proposal and financial aspects
June 06| Registration
Schedule: 10:00 – 12:00

The objective of this call is to improve the creative and innovative potential of doctoral research personnel who wish to acquire new skills through advanced training and international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral mobility. It is open to excellent researchers of any nationality, including those who wish to reintegrate in Europe; to those who aspire to restart their career in research and also to personnel displaced by conflicts. The program also encourages the implementation of research and innovation projects in the non-academic sector. 

This session will focus on more practical aspects related to the electronic submission of proposals as well as information on the MSCA budget items. The MSCA National Contact Points will be in charge of giving this seminar.


First “New European Bauhaus” Festival – Online/Brussels
June 09 to 12| Registration
The European Commission organizes June 9 to 12 el first “New European Bauhaus” Festival. It will be a mixed event, online and in-person, which will take place in Brussels, as well as other locations. 

The festival seeks to bring together people from all walks of life to debate and shape our future. There will be debates, great speakers, artistic performances, exhibitions and networking opportunities. The main themes of the Festival are beauty, sustainability and inclusion. Its objective is to build connections between different activities and individuals, uniting the worlds of research, science and technology, those of education and civil engagement, and art, culture and architecture.

The objective is to bring the European Green Deal closer to the center of our daily lives.


Save the date: IHI Kick-off and brokerage event – ​​Online/Brussels (hybrid)
June 14| Konsulta'm
Schedule: 08:30 – 17:00

El June 14, 2022 the Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) will host a hybrid event at the Hotel Le Plaza Brussels.

In the first session, the content of the calls will be presented and the rules of participation will be explained. Topics such as research priorities, call conditions and specific opportunities for SMEs will be discussed.

The second session will be dedicated to the creation of consortia. In the room there will be time slots in which participants can make brief presentations.

Whether physically or in a virtual environment, meetings can be arranged through a platform with participants who are interested in the same topics. This is a good opportunity to discuss project ideas face to face or virtually and find partners.

Participation in the event will be free. However, registration and profile activation will be mandatory to attend the brokerage event. A networking lunch will be offered for attendees.


Horizon Europe Coordinators'Day on Grant Agreement Preparation
June 15| Konsulta'm
Schedule: 09:30 – 12:45

The European Commission organizes an information day dedicated to preparation of the Horizon Europe grant agreement, which will take place on June, 15.

During the conference, the process of preparing the grant agreement, the legal validation and the evaluation of the financial capacity of the entities will be reviewed, as well as the preparation of the technical annex to the grant agreement, "DoA - Description of the Action" and the most important legal and financial aspects.

The event is aimed especially at coordinators, but is open to anyone interested. To participate in the event it is not necessary to register in advance.


Information session on MSCA PF 2022 Postdoctoral Projects: evaluation and practical aspects
June 20| Registration
Schedule: 15:00 – 17:30

The objective of this call is to improve the creative and innovative potential of doctoral research personnel who wish to acquire new skills through advanced training and international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral mobility. It is open to excellent researchers of any nationality, including those who wish to reintegrate in Europe; to those who aspire to restart their career in research and also to personnel displaced by conflicts. The program also encourages the implementation of research and innovation projects in the non-academic sector. 

This session will focus on more practical aspects related to the different evaluation criteria and guidelines for writing a competitive proposal. The MSCA National Contact Points will be in charge of giving this seminar and there will also be the participation of evaluators who will provide their point of view.


Avoiding errors in declaring personnel costs in Horizon 2020 grants
June 22| Konsulta'm
Schedule: 10:00 – 12:00

The European Commission organizes a new webinar on how to declare personnel costs in Horizon 2020 grants.

During the session, the conditions that costs must meet to be eligible and how to calculate them will be reviewed. In addition, the most common mistakes will be analyzed to learn how to avoid them.

The seminar will be broadcast over the Internet and no prior registration is necessary to participate.


Aragón Health Research Institute (IIS Aragón)
Biomedical Research Center of Aragon (CIBA)
Avda. San Juan Bosco, nº 13. 50009 - Zaragoza
Tel. +34 976 71 64 17 | +34 976 71 44 02

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