Mission on Cancer Work Program 2022 – Open Call for Proposals
25 May 2022
Luis Martín Moreno: "We must live up to the science we produce"
26 May 2022The IIS Aragón researchers Patricia Sancho, Beatriz Parejo, Marta Mascaraque and Pilar Espiau, from the group 'Metabolism and cancer stem cells', have been recognized by the 'Awards to Promote Scientific Vocations' awarded by the Merck Health Foundation and the Spanish Cancer Research Association (ASEICA) thanks to its commitment to the initiative 'Know hers', which seeks to give visibility to female talent in the field of oncology, break gender stereotypes and promote the professional development of female researchers. In addition, Alba Royo has received a special mention.

At the event held yesterday in Madrid, in which the awards were presented, the results of the second edition of 'Conócelas' were presented, which has connected more than 11.000 primary, secondary and university students with more than 230 scientists in oncology in Spain and abroad. The IIS Aragón researchers and laboratory technicians shared their experiences last February with students from 4th, 5th and 6th grade of primary school, 4th grade of ESO and 1st grade of Baccalaureate from five Aragonese schools, located in Zaragoza (IES Miralbueno and IES Clara Campoamor), Cuarte de Huerva (CEIP Foro Romano), Remolinos (CEIP Alfredo Muiños) and Híjar (IES Pedro Laín Entralgo).