Shingles: how many people have been infected in Aragón in the last ten years
September 19, 2022CÁTEDRA MAZ-UNIZAR PRIZE for the best Doctoral Thesis, for the best Final Project of the MIR Specialty of Occupational Medicine, for the best Final Master's Project (TFM) and Final Degree Project (TFG)
September 19, 2022On Monday, the Joaquín Roncal Center hosts the third edition of the Open Science Day organized by the Aragón Health Research Institute
The Research Groups in Primary Care, Mental Health and Health Services (RICAPPS) of the Aragón Health Research Institute (IIS Aragón) organize, on Monday, September 19 at the Joaquín Roncal Center, the third edition of the Open Science Day. Society (Open Science), during which its researchers will present to patients, neighborhood associations and the general public the projects they work on in a clear, simple and brief way.
The session begins at 16:00 p.m. with the inauguration, led by the scientific director of the IIS Aragón, Ángel Lanas, and Patxi García, vice president of the Aragonese Patients Forum.
As for the projects that will be explained, these address, among others, issues such as mental health, early detection of diabetes in families at risk, the relationship of lifestyles with the intestinal microbiota, risk factors for diseases cardiovascular in Aragon, people's aptitudes and behaviors towards their health or problem gambling. Rosa Magallón, principal researcher of the Aragonese Group for Research in Primary Care (GAIAP), will close the day at 20:00 p.m.
The complete program is as follows:
- 16:00 hours: Inauguration. Ángel Lanas, scientific director of the Aragón Health Research Institute and professor of Medicine at the University of Zaragoza. Patxi García, vice president of the Aragonese Patients Forum.
- 16: 30 18 to: 00 hours: Projects. Intervention to improve mental health. Early detection of diabetes in at-risk families. Lifestyles and intestinal microbiota. MIVAS project. Risk factors for cardiovascular diseases in Aragon. Medication in patients with cardiovascular risk factors.
- 18: 00 18 to: 30 hours: Coffee break.
- 18:30 p.m. to 19:30 p.m.s: Projects. Does our head live better in the countryside? The game is not a game. Psychological intervention in depression, diabetes and/or chronic pain. People's aptitudes and behaviors towards their health. UNVEIL.
- 19: 30 20 to: 00 hours: Conclusions and closing of the conference. Rosa Magallón, principal researcher of the Aragonese Primary Care Research Group.