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27 December, 2024Rebeca Sanz, principal investigator of the group Cancer Heterogeneity and Immunonomics, stars in the new edition of the Teruel Provincial Council calendar along with 11 other Bajo Aragon women who are leaders in their fields
With just a few days left to finish the year, from the Provincial Council of Teruel and the Subdelegation of the Government in Teruel They launch a new edition of the “Pioneers” calendar, which in 2025 will once again feature every month women who broke barriers and today are an example and banner of equality.
Beatriz Redon, deputy delegate of the Equality service; Belen Fuertes, head of the Unit against Violence against Women of the Government Subdelegation in Teruel; Elena Castillo, the illustrator who reflects the personality of each "pioneer"; and Caulin's Guard, which has prepared the teaching guide that accompanies the calendar; they have presented the 2025 edition together with some of the pioneers. The calendar once again features poems by Bea Royuela, which accompany the illustrations of each month.
Redón has said that this year, the fourth of the initiative, The calendar has been printed in two formats, of different sizes, and a copy will be sent to each town hall in the province., in addition to those sent each year to schools. He also recalled the objective of Pioneras, which is more than a calendar, "it is a teaching tool for primary school teachers to work on gender equality, which allows us to value and make visible the role of women in our province."
Belen Fuertes has extended the dissemination of this project beyond schools: «It has arrived at the Teruel Penitentiary Centre, where we know that the inmates work on this calendar and prepare their own exhibition that decorates the corridor of one of the buildings where the visits take place. The Camañas school, inspired by the illustrations in the calendar, also decided to paint the façades with women from previous editions. It has become a reference in the province of Teruel».
In addition, the head of the Unit against Violence against Women of the Government Subdelegation in Teruel has been giving a brief description of each of the pioneers, which is related to the month in which a world day is celebrated that is related to the life of the protagonists of the calendar, and has specified that They cover the ten regions of the province of Teruel.
Elena Castillo, illustrator of the calendar since 2021, has remarked that She wanted to reflect "the work that each woman does in an attractive way so that a boy or a girl could like it." The idea of all the drawings being part of a global illustration continues, which in this case is “a small planet inhabited by pioneering women who are fulfilling their dream.” The back of each sheet can be used to create the entire drawing.
Marta Gómez from the Unit against Violence against Women of the Government Subdelegation has conveyed the words of the poet Bea Royuela: «From a distance wants to thank once again and it is never enough to thank the women who make this possible. They are sitting at this table and others are drawn with Elena's pencil. But they are also the teachers who play with the calendar, the girls who look in the mirror imagining themselves being February, Mothers who come home to incredible stories of pioneers and grandmothers who bring back history told from their point of view."
This year the teaching guide contains some new features, as Gauda Caullín has reported: "This sheet of relevant data for each of them as a summary so that you can easily see them and get to know them. This year These activity sheets have been adapted to work on the area that each one represents. of women from the point of view of equality, adding a brief history of women in this area."
On this occasion, the inspiring women who become references month after month are the professor and cello teacher, Nuria Gañet Benavente, with which we started the year; the researcher Rebeca Sanz Pamplona; the quarry, carver and entrepreneur Concor Armengod Ortin; the aerial silk acrobat and veterinarian Maria Resa Collados; the first professional female soldier stationed in Teruel, Teresa of Jesus Toquero Vicente; and with the co-owner of the artisan bakery "Sin Gluten Teruel" Maria Gonzalez Suazo we will arrive in June.
From July onwards, the figures of the Olympic gymnast stand out Alba Bautista Canas; the climber and participant in the documentary “Breaking the Path” Angela Altaba Tena; truffle farming Maria Redon Perez; the first participant of the Pelayo Vida Challenge undergoing cancer treatment, Laura Villa Pobor; the pioneer of archaeology in Spain and director of the Provincial Museum of Teruel from 1959 to 1990, Purification of Atrian Jordan; and to close the year, the first female president of "Those who do not surrender" (2016-2022), the first Spanish association created by people with intellectual disabilities, Ester Salas Garces.
Several pioneers attended the presentation of the calendar at the Teruel Provincial Council: Rebeca Sanz, Ester Salas Garcés, Concor Armengod, Laura Villa and Teresa de Jesús Toquero, who They have shared their excitement about being part of this project and their hope that children can learn more about the work they do and the field in which they have developed their lives. Aware of the power that education has for change, The initiative has a teaching guide for primary school students, to make the legacy of these pioneers known to new generations through activities to encourage reflection and learning about gender equality from an early age.
Exhibition of prints
Last year, an alternative activity for the calendar was started, with the sheets of which a travelling exhibition was created that has travelled to 36 towns in the province, at the request of each one of them. Deputy Redón has confirmed that In 2025 there will also be an exhibition, and they are considering how to program it to continue spreading the history of the pioneers. who broke barriers and represent a change towards real equality, so that they may be an inspiration and encouragement for many others.
The calendar, the sheets, the teaching guide and the materials can be consulted and downloaded at https://www.dpteruel.es/calendario-pioneras/ and in https://mujeresdeteruel.wordpress.com/.
The year 2025 will feature the following pioneering women:
The month of January, coinciding with January 24: International Day of Education, is opened by the Alcañiz Nuria Gañet Benavente. She is a professor, cello teacher and technical director of the Jaime Dobato Benavente National Competition for Young Promising Cellos, which has been held annually in Alcañiz since 2010.
Taking February 11: International Day of Girls and Women in Science, February is the star Rebeca Sanz Pamplona. Originally from Urrea de Gaén, where she lives and works remotely, she is a biologist and researcher. She leads a group at the Aragón Health Research Institute, where she is responsible for bioinformatics, and which aims to provide answers to the 20% of cases of childhood cancer that still have no treatment.
March 19: International Crafts Day, this month is dedicated to Concor Armengod OrtinShe is a young stonemason, carver and entrepreneur who has decided to live in her town, Villarluengo, and dedicate herself to a curious and unusual profession, stone carving. Her works can be seen on her website Con Arte de Talla.
April 20: World Circus Day. Maria Resa Collados. She comes from Bello. She is a veterinarian and aerialist. She has performed at several festivals and given aerial silk training in Calamocha. One of her last performances took place in Plaza San Juan in Teruel on the occasion of 25N.
May 30: Armed Forces Day. Teresa of Jesus Toquero Vicente. Born in Zaragoza, but of Calamochi descent, in 2023 she became the first professional female soldier assigned to the Defense Subdelegation in Teruel. Previously, she developed her military career in the Navy, where she was assigned to several transport ships and frigates.
June 27: Microenterprise, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Day. Maria Gonzalez SuazoBorn in Alcañiz, but settled in Alloza, where she is the co-owner of the artisan bakery "Sin Gluten Teruel", which sells gluten-free and lactose-free artisan products for people with celiac disease or intolerance throughout the province of Teruel and also to Zaragoza.
July 26: Celebration of the Olympic Games in Paris in 2023. Alba Bautista Canas. Born in Utrillas, she is an Olympic gymnast. She made her debut with the rhythmic gymnastics team at the age of 16. In 2022 she won a team bronze medal at the Sofia World Championships and in 2023 she was champion of Spain in the honor category. In 2024 she made her debut at the Paris Olympic Games, finishing in twentieth position.
August 18: International Climbing Day. Angela Altaba Tena, from Cantavieja. She is a climber and a participant in the documentary “Abriendo Camino”. She is the first woman from Aragon to be considered a high-performance athlete in the discipline of mountaineering and the first woman from Teruel to be part of the national mountaineering team.
September 9: World Agriculture Day. Maria Redon Perez, lives and works in Sarrión as a truffle farmer. After training in truffle farming and starting out in truffle planting, she founded the company Trufas Bertolín in 2014. She also participates in fairs and gives cooking demonstrations teaching how to use truffles.
October 19: World Breast Cancer Day. Laura Villa PoboBorn in Cella, she is a Special Education teacher. In 2023, she became the first participant in all the editions of the Pelayo Vida Challenge to complete this extreme sporting challenge while undergoing cancer treatment.
November 16: International World Heritage Day. Posthumous tribute dedicated to the woman from Teruel Purification Atrián Jordan, who passed away in 2021. She was a pioneer of archaeology in Spain and director of the Provincial Museum of Teruel from 1959 to 1990.
December 3: International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Ester Salas Garces, from Fuentes Claras. She was the first female president from 2016 to 2022 of “Los que no se rinden” (the first association created in our country in 2015 by people with intellectual disabilities).
Source: The Shire