Great success of the last day of the I IIS Aragón Dissemination Cycle: 'Nurses in science'
October 20, 2023GastricAITool, at the V ICT Health Conference organized by Arahealth and Tecnara
October 25, 2023This project by the TME Lab group, the Engineering Research Institute of Aragon (I3A) of the University of Zaragoza and the IIS Aragón, has been in the news these days in Heraldo de Aragón
A group of Health Research Institute of Aragon (IIS Aragón) He has work underway in which he tries to simulate the process of metastasis in the laboratory, the process responsible for the majority of deaths related to breast cancer.
The TME group of the IIS Aragón and the Engineering Research Institute of Aragon (I3A) of the University of Zaragoza has work underway on the breast cancer along with the Dr. Antonio Antón Torres, head of the Medical Oncology service at the Miguel Servet University Hospital in Zaragoza. «We want to understand how the cells that leave the tumor mass work to generate metastasis. We know that although they are originally the same, they behave differently," he explains. Iñaki Ochoa, head of the TME group.
In this way, they are trying to "replicate in the laboratory this process of exit of the tumor mass towards the outside, towards the blood or lymphatic vessels, to see what the differences are in the behavior of the primary tumor cells and the metastatic ones."
A laboratory process that is carried out in “microfluidic chips” also known as organs-on-chips, devices manufactured at micrometric scales whose main function is to simulate some of the functions of a living organ in a three-dimensional structure in order to recreate the environment of diseases in the laboratory and be able to reduce animal experimentation.
In this group, they not only use these strategies to simulate diseases, they also use computer simulation tools, artificial intelligence and medical image analysis systems to try to offer personalized solutions to patients. His lines of research focus on the application of these technologies to solve clinical problems related to cancer, cardiovascular diseases, reproduction or skin.
Image: made by Toni Galán. Researcher Vira Sharko, PhD student in the TME group, in the laboratory.
Source: Herald of Aragon.