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17 June, 2020Carmen García Rodríguez Alonso has allocated 2.000 euros to the projects of the 'Investigate Covid-19' campaign, which seek effective methods to prevent the spread of coronavirus and improve the diagnosis and treatment of infected patients.
'What happens in the kitchen while I die?' It is “an erotic story with Faustian overtones” that can be purchased online and is also available in the Paris bookstore from Zaragoza
The campaign launched by the Aragón Health Research Institute (IIS Aragón) 'Investigate Covid-19' continues to raise funds to finance its projects related to the coronavirus, also outside Aragonese territory. Carmen García Rodríguez Alonso, nursing assistant and writer from Segovia, will donate 13 euros for each copy of her latest novel sold. What happens in the kitchen while I die? At the moment, he has already allocated 2.000 euros to this cause and is confident that the figure will continue to grow thanks to readers in Zaragoza, who can buy the work at the Paris bookstore, as well as on the website https://librosderviche.com/producto/que-ocurre-en-la-cocina-mientras-muero, at a price of 16,95 euros.
What happens in the kitchen while I die? It is the fourth novel by García, born in Navas de Oro (Segovia). It tells the story of Elisa, who, terminally ill, begins to suffer hallucinations as a result of her medication. Until one night she receives an unexpected visitor who will offer her the impossible. “It is an erotic novel with Faustian overtones and a defined ending but, at the same time, a little open. The moral is that we can regret not having lived true to our instincts and that making a pact with the devil always has a price,” summarizes the author.
Carmen García chose IIS Aragón to contribute her “grain of sand” because “when I read their research projects I understood them, in addition to the fact that their managers are accessible and very communicative, I have a lot of faith in them,” she says. “Protective material has been greatly lacking, but now that those needs are being covered, we have to look at research. It is our only hope so that this does not happen again,” she emphasizes.
From her experience as a nursing assistant for the Segovia Provincial Council, the IIS Aragón projects “are very applicable and very necessary.” These are aimed at finding effective methods to prevent the spread of coronavirus and improve the diagnosis and clinical treatment of infected patients. Until now, the
Aragonese institute, thanks to the funds collected in the campaign and the contributions from the Government of Aragon and the Carlos III Health Institute, has launched nine COVID-19 research projects. Additionally, IIS Aragón participates in seven clinical trials and is carrying out another 12 studies related to the coronavirus.
How to donate?
There are two ways to make donations to IIS Aragón. On the one hand, bank transfers are accepted to the IBAN account number ES88 2100 8687 2702 0001 2559, in which concept “COVID19” must be indicated for correct traceability. On the other hand, through the IIS website https://www.iisaragon.es/donaciones-covid- 19/ You can fill out a form with your personal information and make a card payment.
The IIS Aragón remembers that all contributions made to its foundation benefit from the tax deductions contemplated in Law 49/2002 on the Tax Regime of Non-Profit Entities and Tax Incentives for Patronage. To request certification of the donation for tax relief purposes, it is necessary to indicate it in the form on the IIS website, or via email to the address donations@issaragon.es after making the bank transfer.
Aragon Health Research Institute
The IIS Aragón is the Health Research Institute of the hospital complex formed by the Teaching and University Hospitals “Hospital Clínico Universitario Lozano Blesa” and “Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet” and Primary Health Care. The University of Zaragoza and the Aragonese Institute of Health Sciences are associated with this hospital complex through different legal instruments.
The objectives of the IIS Aragón are to bring together basic and applied, clinical and health services research; create a quality research, care and teaching environment to which health professionals, training specialists and postgraduate and undergraduate students are exposed, as well as constitute the ideal place for attracting talent and the location of large scientific facilities. technological.