
October 23, 2024

The IIS Aragón is looking for a hundred volunteers to carry out a nutritional study on people who work shifts

The Primary Dyslipidemias group of the IIS Aragón and the University of Zaragoza are launching a nutritional intervention study in people who have shift work and are overweight or obese and have prediabetes or DM2, for 12 weeks.
22 July 2024

Why does obesity increase the risk of cancer?

Three CNIO groups are investigating the relationship between obesity, diabetes and pancreatic cancer. They say that obesity could 'help' the tumor to metastasize by modifying the characteristics of blood vessels and platelets.
24 April 2024

José Miguel Arbonés: “Research can be challenging and requires perseverance”

The researcher from IIS Aragón and IACS speaks in this interview about his work directing the ADIPOFAT Group: Biology of adipose tissue and metabolic complications of obesity and the challenges they face.