rare diseases

October 21, 2024

Juan Pié Juste, IP at IIS Aragón: «The signs and symptoms of Cornelia de Lange Syndrome are now codified with numbers and letters»

On October 15, the scientific radio program “Rare Diseases” interviewed Dr. Juan Pié Juste, principal investigator of the Clinical Genetics and Functional Genomics Group (GIIS062) of the IIS Aragón.
18 March, 2024

An exhibition on rare diseases, in which the IIS Aragón participates, takes place on the Gran Vía in Zaragoza

The exhibition "We are rare but we exist" has been inaugurated on Gran Vía street in Zaragoza, part of the campaign to raise awareness of rare diseases of which the IIS Aragón is a part.
29 February, 2024

The IIS Aragón works on several lines of research in rare diseases with important international recognition

The Gaucher Disease and Hematological Neoplasms Study Group of the IIS Aragón is working on several lines of research on lysosomal storage diseases (LDS).