
Augusts 14, 2024

A large genomic map of colorectal cancer seeks to improve its treatment

The development of this atlas has been possible thanks to the complete genome sequencing of 2023 colon tumors. The data generated from the analysis is accessible to the scientific community.
Augusts 13, 2024

New scales to measure optimal vitamin D levels

Despite being essential for health, new guidelines from the Endocrine Society suggest that measuring and supplementing vitamin D in the general population may be unnecessary as its benefits are not supported by science.
Augusts 12, 2024

The Hematology Research Group at HCU Lozano Blesa performs the first apheresis for CART therapy in Aragon

The IIS Aragón research group has been accredited for this process, the first part of these innovative therapies. CART therapy is increasingly being established as a treatment for hematological tumors, mainly lymphomas.
Augusts 9, 2024

New methods to stop the spread of bacterial infections

A study led by scientists from the Zaidín Experimental Station (CSIC) has identified a superfamily of proteins that includes more than 6.300 receptors widespread among bacteria. The advance could open up new strategies to combat pathogens.
Augusts 7, 2024

The Anisakis parasite is associated with colon cancer

A study reveals the tumorigenic potential of the products released by the larvae of this parasite. The research will facilitate the identification of the disease and the creation of new prevention methods.
Augusts 2, 2024

Audiovisual creation, creative writing and photography: the Patient in Science workshops return

Three new sessions of Patient in Science, the IIS Aragón project with the collaboration of FECYT that seeks to strengthen the interaction between citizens, patients and researchers.
22 July 2024

Why does obesity increase the risk of cancer?

Three CNIO groups are investigating the relationship between obesity, diabetes and pancreatic cancer. They say that obesity could 'help' the tumor to metastasize by modifying the characteristics of blood vessels and platelets.