The IIS Aragón organizes the IV edition of the International Symposium on Cancer Immunotherapy in Zaragoza
November 8, 2022
A European project coordinated by the IIS Aragón develops seven perioperative protocols to reduce patient stress and complications derived from surgery
November 9, 2022From November 7 to 20, 2022, “Science Week” is celebrated in Aragon.
From the General Directorate of Research and Innovation they want to bring the world of Science closer to all citizens. On the website aragoninvestiga.es you can find information on presentations, workshops and activities in different places in our Community, organized by the main actors in the R&D&i ecosystem of Aragon, such as the University of Zaragoza, CSIC Aragón, the Center for Cosmos Physics Studies of Aragon (CEFCA), the Center for Agri-Food Research and Technology of Aragon (CITA), the Technological Institute of Aragon (ITA), the Aragonese Institute of Health Sciences (IACS), the ARAID Foundation or the Center for Technological Development and Innovation (CDTI) of the State among others.
On November 11, 18 and 19, 2022, a participatory scientific photo booth will be made available to citizens in the Aragonese Science Tent (located each of those days on the San Francisco campus, Paraninfo and Río Ebro Campus, respectively). ) where in addition to participating in it, you can obtain information about citizen science projects first-hand through the centers that develop them.
In addition, on the 20th the Race for Science is celebrated, open to all citizens over 16 years of age. Registrations can be made online through the careerporlaciencia.es website until Wednesday, November 16, or until the maximum number of available places is filled.
Through social networks, on the profiles of Instagram, Tik Tok, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube you will be able to view 10 videos of scientific content in which the projects in which the Aragonese scientific community is currently working will be announced, as well as of the Singular Scientific Infrastructures that we have in Aragon.