Eating breakfast and dinner early could reduce cardiovascular risk
19 December, 2023The second research project in Spain on male breast cancer begins
20 December, 2023To comply with the laws DA17.2 c) of LO 3/2018 on the reuse of biomedical research data, the participants of the Aragon Workers' Health Study (AWHS) carried out at the Aragonese Institute of Health Sciences are informed and the Research Institute whose principal investigator is Dr. Martín Laclaustra Gimeno between the years 2009 and 2023, that their pseudonominized data will be reused in the CORDELIA project (The first genome-wide association study (GWAS) with population-based coronary heart disease at 10 years in more than 100.000 participants to personalize cardiovascular prevention in Spain - PMP22/00033) approved by the Medical Research Ethics Committee of the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute of Barcelona with number 2023/10785/I and funded in the call for Personalized Precision Medicine Research Projects.
AWHS study participants are asked to carefully read the information sheet that can be viewed by clicking on this link or on the enabled button below. If you do not agree that your data will be used for this medical research, you can notify the person responsible for the study Dr. Martín Laclaustra Gimeno at the email, at the following postal address Avda. San Juan Bosco, 13, CIBA Building, 50009 Zaragoza.