III Aragonese Conference on Humanization in Breast Cancer, organized by the IIS Aragón
14 March, 2024An exhibition on rare diseases, in which the IIS Aragón participates, takes place on the Gran Vía in Zaragoza
18 March, 2024The RA-PAFIS project (Recommendation of Assets in the Aragonese Plan for Physical Activity for Health) is a multidisciplinary and intersectoral applied research project, whose objective is to facilitate the implementation of the formal recommendation program of assets for health through the physical activity, and create tools based on knowledge, collaboration and participation to ensure the best transfer to our institutions
The project's research team includes health professionals from the Aragon Health Research Institute, through the Aragonese Group for Research in Primary Care (GAIAP), and Physical and Sports Education professionals from the San Jorge University (USJ).
The Aragonese Research Group in Primary Care (GAIAP), together with Physical and Sports Education professionals from the San Jorge University (USJ), form the research team of a very innovative project in Aragon: RA-PAFIS (Recommendation of Assets in the Aragonese Plan for Physical Activity for Health). This is a multidisciplinary and intersectoral applied research project, whose objective is facilitate the implementation of the formal health asset recommendation program through physical activity, and create tools based on knowledge, collaboration and participation to ensure the best transfer to our institutions.
Precisely, the fellow IIS Aragón researchers who are developing this project were on the Aragón TV program 'Conexión Aragón' to talk extensively about this initiative.
You can see the complete intervention from this link (as of 19'15»).
How was RA-PAFIS born?
In Aragon in 2016, the Community Care Strategy in Primary Care of the Department of Health began. One of its objectives is the development of the Recommendation of Assets for health and intersectoral collaboration, to improve the health of Aragonese people. through her The map of assets for the health of all of Aragon was launched in Aragon in which the assets that are identified are validated by a team of professionals from the Department of Health.
In 2018, the interdepartmental project of the Government of Aragon began: Physical Activity and Recommendation of Assets for Health: PAFIS PROJECT. The PAFIS project is a project of the General Directorate of Sports, the General Directorate of Health Care and the General Directorate of Public Health and seeks to develop the Recommendation of Assets for Health in terms of Physical Activity in the Aragonese territory, through of the development of the PAFIS Plan (Aragonese Plan for Physical Activity for health), and the implementation of the Health System and Sports connection to improve the recommendation of physical activity beneficial for health.
To do this, in 2022, with the collaboration of the General Directorates involved in the government of Aragon, A previous piloting was carried out in the Andorra Sierra de Arcos region, in which a collaborative design process was carried out of what could be the “Physical activity and recommendation of assets for health” service. The process was developed with the Aragón [Government] Open Laboratory, within the framework of the Collaborative Design of Public Services (DCS) program. This process ranged from research to the definition of the service, with the next step being the implementation of the service. This collaborative design process identified that They needed new tools to facilitate intersectoral coordination and thus implement the recommendation of assets to improve physical activity..
For this implementation, a permanent working group has been formed with representatives of Public Health, Primary Care and Sports, to monitor the implementation and continuous improvement of the service, the RA-PAFIS project team (Recommendation of Assets in the Aragonese Plan of Physical Activity for Health). This is a multidisciplinary and intersectoral applied research project, whose objective is to facilitate the implementation of the formal recommendation program of assets for health through physical activity, and to create tools based on knowledge, collaboration and participation to ensure the better transfer to our institutions.
The protocol to implement the asset recommendation was designed through the review of evidence and through consultation with experts in the theory and practice of physical activity and in the organization of municipal sports services in rural contexts. In September 2023, piloting of the implementation protocol begins in three Aragonese regions to develop the recommendation of assets for health in physical activity.
Entities and professionals that have collaborated
The project's research team includes health professionals from the Aragón Health Research Institute, through the Aragonese Research Group in Primary Care (GAIAP), and Physical and Sports Education professionals from the San Jorge University (USJ).
The work team, which has collaborated with the research team for the implementation of the project results, includes representatives of the General Directorate of Health Care, General Directorate of Public Health, General Directorate of Digital Transformation, Innovation and User Rights , General Directorate of Sports, Regional Sports Services and Municipal Sports Services.
This project has the endorsement of the Higher Sports Council and is financed by the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Government of Spain (EXP_75124: RA-PAFIS Project), through the call for aid for research projects in applied science and technology. to physical activity beneficial for health (AFBS) and sports medicine, funded by the European Funds of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (call code: 2888440_2022).
You can find all the information about the project HERE.