Aragón eHealth Open Innovation Summit
September 26, 2022CaixaResearch call for health research
September 28, 2022Specialists point to misuse of social networks as "one of the reasons" why cases of this disorder have increased among adolescents.
Filters at your fingertips to change an image of ourselves that does not satisfy us. 'Selfies' from any trip or party to upload to networks with the obligatory prior posture and 'reels' even of the 'outlook' that you just received at home via messenger. Everything that is consumed on the Internet goes through advertisements and images related to image and physique.
It is the search for that perfect beauty which leads to the dysmorphophobia has "increased considerably among young people". As psychologist Marta Sánchez Miranda explains, "what is known as body dysmorphic disorder is seen potentially altered by misuse of social networks, very harmful in this case in adolescence, a time already complicated by hormonal changes and different perceptions regarding the physique," adds the specialist.
Having as a characteristic element the distortion of body image, ""Those who suffer from this disorder think, feel and imagine that they have a physical defect.". "If they do have it, they even magnify it even on occasions when it is practically invisible to the rest of society," says the psychologist, who adds that they exist "more cases in women than in men".
Symptoms, causes and treatment of body dysmorphic disorder
This pathology is included within somatoform disorders and The most common stage in which it appears is adolescence, because that is when concerns about physical appearance begin and "when comparisons between one another begin."
Due, Those who suffer from dysmorphophobia try to avoid any type of social contact and, if they do, "they avoid showing some parts of their body in order to hide them as much as possible, even using makeup in an exaggerated way," says the specialist.
A disorder that can be accused, "in addition to social networks" - the psychologist insists - by others sociocultural factors, the individual personality of the patient and the family environment.
Regarding treatment, "if we pay attention to the first symptoms, without it being considered a disorder, treatment would be sufficient. psychotherapy", comments Marta Sánchez. "When The situation worsens and it is necessary to refer the patient to psychiatry.. In some cases you could even opt for hospital admission," concludes the specialist.
Source: Heraldo de Aragón