
TEA Pyrenees: Transfer, experience, learn about TEA in the Pyrenees.


In the field of autism, on both sides of the border, it is time to take stock and imagine the future. The transformation of the health and social offer, shared territorial responsibility and deinstitutionalization policies are being developed with a view to a more inclusive society.

The project Interreg POCTEFA TEA Pir was born with the purpose of carrying out a work of experimentation, study, reflection and concreteness with the involvement of all actors: people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), families, professionals, politicians and institutions, to rethink the support of ASD people , in other places and in another way.

Objectives and Results

Based on this mixed territorial strategy, the project aims to create a Learning Community to Transmit, Experiment and Learn together about autism in the Pyrenees Working Community (CTP) territory, revolving around 2 axes:

  • The first responds to a need to reflect jointly and comparatively on the territorial public policies regarding the inclusion of ASD people in the cross-border space. The expected result is a strategy and an action plan applicable in the territory.
  • The second responds to a need to search, prepare and check the new responses to unmet needs, through the creation of cross-border research and experimentation teams. To this end, 5 pilot projects will be implemented in different parts of the territory which will feed the joint and comparative reflection of the first axis.

IP IIS Aragon

David VAQUERO and Antonio LOBO

Financing Agency

The TEA-Pir project has been 65% co-financed by the European Union through the Interreg VI-A Spain-France-Andorra Program (POCTEFA 2021-2027). The objective of POCTEFA is to strengthen the economic and social integration of the Spain-France-Andorra border area.

Total Project Budget: €1.511.606,87
IISA financing: €58.707,44 (total IISA budget: €90.319,14).



Be a partner

- Autisme Pau Bearn Pyrenees, France.
- Center Hospitalier Léon-Jean Grégory, France.
- Aragonese Institute of Social Services (IASS), Spain.
- Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (UPPA), France.
- Aragón Health Research Institute Foundation (IIS Aragón), Spain.
- Junts Autisme Foundation, Spain.

Associated entities:
- Regional Health Agency of Occitania
- Regional Health Agency of New Aquitaine
- Gautena
- Autea
- Toulouse Jean-Jaurès University
- Federation for Autism of Catalonia
- Adapei 64
- Autism France
- Sesame Autisme
- STI Pierre Bourdieu


01/01/2024 - 31/12/2026 (36 months)
