Cross-border neonatal screening interpretation network: from the mutation to the patient (EFA 086/15).
Recent advances in neonatal screening for diseases and in genetic diagnosis techniques are reaching the affected population unevenly. Furthermore, the information obtained about patients' mutations is sometimes difficult to use to improve their treatment due to a lack of interpretation tools. Pirepred brings together hospitals and research centers from both Pyrenean slopes to help solve these problems. Pirepred will integrate hospitals that order or perform genetic diagnostic tests related to neonatal screening programs, to define their common needs and make recommendations to improve their management. On the other hand, Pirepred will make available to hospitals an assistance service in the molecular interpretation of the individual mutations of their patients and will develop new bioinformatic diagnostic tools to overcome the most frequent difficulties in the interpretation of genetic information and to advance in understanding of these diseases. The Pyrenean regions are characterized by the heterogeneity of their screening programs. Pirepred's coordination mechanisms and advanced interpretation tools will benefit the affected population and health administrations. Cross-border cooperation is highly recommended because many of the diseases screened are rare diseases and the shortage of patients makes their understanding difficult.
Objectives and Results
Coordinate and improve neonatal screening activities in the territory and develop new bioinformatics tools for the interpretation of results. A cross-border network of research groups and hospitals that:
● Coordinates neonatal screening programs to improve diagnosis, guide treatment, and contribute to the training of patients and their families.
● Develops new and more efficient bioinformatics tools to improve diagnosis based on patients' genetic information.
● Collaborate with companies in the genetic diagnosis sector to define new computer products that facilitate genetic interpretation and diagnosis.
Through agreements between the Pirepred centers and selected companies, the bioinformatics tools developed will be perfected and the possibility of converting them into marketable products will be evaluated. In any case, the innovative bioinformatics tools developed will allow the genetic diagnosis companies involved to benefit from the competitive advantage of being able to provide their clients with better interpreted results.
IP IIS Aragon
Mª Concepción García Jiménez
Financing Agency
The project is 65% co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Interreg VA Spain/France/Andorra Program - (POCTEFA 2014-2020). The objective of POCTEFA is to strengthen the economic and social integration of the Spain-France-Andorra border area. Its aid focuses on the development of cross-border economic, social and environmental activities through joint strategies in favor of sustainable territorial development.
Zaragoza's University.
Be a partner
Health Research Institute of Aragon (Spain)
CNRS (France)
Nimes Hospital Center (France)
Barcelona Supercomputing Center (Spain)
Vall d´Hebron University Hospital (Spain)
Navarra Biomed
01/09/2016 - 30/06/2021 (Extended duration)