
Moore4Medical: Accelerating Innovation in Microfabricated Medical Devices (H2020-ECSEL-2019-IA-876190 and PCI2020-111993)


Compared to the pace of innovation in consumer electronics, the pace of innovation for medical devices is lagging behind. Moore4Medical's overall goal is to accelerate innovation in electronic medical devices. To this end, the project addresses emerging medical applications and technologies that offer significant new opportunities for the Electronic Components and Systems (ECS) industry including: bioelectronic medications, organ-on-chip, medication adherence monitoring, smart ultrasound, radiation-free interventions and continuous monitoring.

New technologies will help combat the rising cost of healthcare by reducing the need for hospitalization, helping to develop personalized therapies, and realizing smart diagnostic tools at the point of care.

Moore4Medical brings together 66 partners (companies, universities and research institutes) from 12 different countries who will develop open technology platforms for these emerging fields to help them bridge "Death Valley" in less time and less time. cost. As value and intellectual property move from the technology level towards applications and solutions, defragmentation and open technology platforms will be key to acquiring and maintaining European leadership at the forefront of affordable healthcare.

Objectives and Results

The general objective of Moore4Medical is to accelerate innovation in electronic medical devices, for which the following actions are intended:

Address emerging medical domains- The convergence between the pharmaceutical, MedTech and ECS industries is resulting in new and exciting opportunities for industry and society that will help manage the cost of healthcare
Develop open and enabling technology platforms: to help emerging applications and technologies bridge "Death Valley" in less time and at a lower cost.
Ensure European leadership: Open technology platforms will reduce fragmentation and point solutions and will be essential factors in ensuring sustainable and affordable healthcare in an aging population.

IP IIS Aragon

Antonio Anton Torres

Financing Agency

Moore4Medical has received funding from:
- The Electronic Components and Systems for European Leadership Joint Undertaking (ECSEL JU) in collaboration with the European Union's H2020 Framework Program (H2020/2014-2020) under grant agreement H2020-ECSEL-2019-IA-876190: €70.875.
- The National Authorities MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the European Union “NextGenerationEU”/PRTR under the project reference PCI2020-111993: €81.000.

Total IIS Aragón project: €202.500


Philips Electronics Netherlands BV

Be a partner

66 partners from 12 different countries


01/06/2020 – 30/09/2023