
CARE4DIABETES: Reducing the burden of non-communicable diseases by providing a multi-disciplinary lifestyle treatment intervention for type 2 diabetes.


The main objective of the CARE4DIABETES Joint Action (JA) is to improve and promote health in the EU Member States by reducing the burden of type 2 diabetes and related risk factors, both at societal and personal level, through effective lifestyle treatment programs of patients. The expected outcomes are to increase patients' health and quality of life, reduce healthcare associated costs, and promote capacity building of health systems towards more innovative and integrated type 2 diabetes interventions based on patients' lifestyle changes.

The JA will be aimed at transferring and implementing an identified best practice across 12 Member States. The best practice is an evidence-based, reimbursed Dutch lifestyle treatment program for type 2 diabetes, named Reverse Diabetes2 Now and developed by the NGO Voeding Leeft in the Netherlands. Its rationale lies in the promotion of lifestyle changes that can bring improved quality of life in people with type 2 diabetes and healthy blood glucose levels with potential lower medication consumption.

The JA pilot actions will be implemented, monitored, and evaluated in 12 Member States by involving approx. 860 patients and up to 120 healthcare professionals. Building on the outcomes of the pilot actions' experiences, the JA partners will focus on sustainability for the long-term transfer of the best practice in their countries. CARE4DIABETES has a strong policy relevance, as it has the potential to support Member States to promote new evidence based policies and actions on patient empowerment, health promotion in people with type 2 diabetes, and cost-effective management of the disease, while improving the efficiency of health investments.

Objectives and Results

The expected outcomes are to increase patients' well-being and quality of life, reduce healthcare associated costs, and promote capacity building of health systems towards more innovative and integrated type 2 diabetes interventions based on lifestyle changes. The focus will be on tangible transnational activities with a potential to trigger diabetes related policies in Member States with the prospective to improve health and socio-economic outcomes. Specific objectives:

● Conduct a comprehensive review and study of the best practice “Reverse Diabetes2 Now” to understand core features and models, to transfer it and obtain sustainability, along with a thorough analysis of national/regional contexts (and main stakeholders) in which the best practice is intended to be implemented.
● Prepare the framework for a smooth and efficient pilot of the best practice in the 12 Member States of the JA project.
● Train the trainers ie, the multidisciplinary healthcare professionals that will be tasked with the pilot transfer and implementation.
● Establish a set of monitoring and evaluation mechanisms and indicators to ensure the JA reaches its expected impacts.
● Pilot, monitor and evaluate the Intensive Care Program with patients (called Phase I, capacity building oriented).
● Pilot, monitor, and evaluate the after-care met. implementation (Phase II).
● In parallel with Phase I and II, collect all needed quantitative and qualitative data to allow assessment of the experiences of pilot actions.
● Upon the evaluation of the JA project and Phase I & II pilot actions, draw conclusions on JA sustainability results to be up-taken by other EU countries.
● Produces policy recommendations and conclusions to improve current and future EU policies.
● Disseminate and communicate, at national and international level, JA objectives, activities, and results through dedicated media and non-media strategies.

IP IIS Aragon

Rosa Mª Magallón

Financing Agency

European Commission
Total Project Budget: €4.999.944,12
IIS Aragón Budget: €0


Ministry of Health and Health Services – Principality of Asturias (Spain)

Be a partner

- Sciensano (Belgium)
- Ministerstvo na Zdraveopazvaneto (Bulgaria)
- Terveyden Ja Hyvinvoinnin Laitos (Finland)
- 1st Ygeionomiki Perifereia Dype Attikis (Greece)
- Nemzeti Nepegeszsegugyi Kozpont (Hungary)
- Istituto Superiore di Sanitá (Italy)
- Ministry for Health – Government of Malta (Malta)
- Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (Netherlands)
- Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia (Poland)
- Ministry of Saude – Portuguese Republic (Portugal)
- Ministerstvo Zdravotnictva Slovenskej Republiky (Slovakia)
- Nacionalni Institut Za javno Zdravje (Slovenia)

Affiliated Entities

- Health Service of the Principality of Asturias (Spain)
- Foundation for the Promotion of Applied Scientific Research and Technology in Asturias (Spain)
- Cantabrian Health Service (Spain)
- Marqués de Valdecilla Research Institute Foundation (Spain)
- Department of Health of Galicia (Spain)
- Second Vice Presidency and Ministry of Health and Social Services – Junta de Extremadura (Spain)
- Andalusian Health Service (Spain)
- Andalusian Public Foundation for Progress and Health (Spain)
- Regional Health Inspection – Blagoevgrad (Bulgaria)
- Finish Diabetes Association (Finland)
- Alexandra General Hospital (Greece)
- Azienda Sanitaria Locale Roma 2 (Italy)
- Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS (Italy)
- Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Pisana (Italy)
- Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny (Poland)
- Associaçao Protectora dos Diabeticos de Portugal (Portugal)
- Splosna Bolnisnica Novo Mesto (Slovenia)

Associate Partners

- Socialstyrelsen (Sweden)
- Aragón Health Research Institute Foundation (Spain)


01/02/2023 – 31/01/2026 (36 months)