Design-based Data-Driven Decision-support Tools: Producing Improved Cancer Outcomes Through User-Centred Research – 4DPicture (GA: 101057332)
Patients with cancer often have to make complex decisions about treatment, with the options varying in risk profiles and effects on survival and quality of life. Data-driven decision-support tools (DSTs) have the potential to empower patients, support personalized care, improve health outcomes, and promote health equity (optimal decisions also for underserved groups). However, DSTs currently rarely consider quality of life or individual preferences, and their use in clinical practice remains limited. To address these challenges, the 4D PICTURE consortium will further develop a promising methodology, MetroMapping, to redesign care pathways that include novel DSTs. We will better predict treatment outcomes by developing innovative algorithms and incorporating patient experiences, values and preferences, using AI-based models. In co-creation with patients and other stakeholders, we will develop data-driven DSTs for patients with breast cancer, prostate cancer and melanoma. We will evaluate these DSTs as part of MetroMapping as well as stand-alone, to ensure their sustainability as well as addressing social and ethical issues. We will explore the generalizability of MetroMapping and the DSTs to other types of cancer and across other EU member states. Improved care pathways integrating comprehensive DSTs will empower patients, their significant others and health care providers in decision making, and strengthen care at the system level by improving resilience and efficiency. Whereas the 4D PICTURE consortium includes leaders in modeling, AI, decision making, citizen science, service design, ethics, risk communication, and policy making, this project will impact clinical practice and science across Europe and beyond.
Objectives and Results
The central aim of the project is to transform health care delivery decision-making processes in oncology by redesigning patients' care paths and integrating evidence-based decision-support tools. The main aim translates into the following specific scientific objectives:
1. To improve decision-making about cancer treatment by better predicting treatment outcomes, by developing data-driven algorithms, resulting in decision-support tools for persons with breast cancer, prostate cancer or melanoma, accompanied by indications of certainty of estimates of individual benefit and harms from treatment, and supported by a structure for FAIR data-management and dynamic analysis.
2. To develop a conversation tool for cancer patients, their significant others, their clinicians and citizens based on text mining analyzes of patient experience 'big' data and citizen science methods.
3. To further develop and apply internationally the service design methodology MetroMapping” to redesign care paths, integrating decision-support tools.
4. To evaluate the service design methodology “MetroMapping” and the decision-support tools, the latter both as embedded in MetroMapping and as “stand alone” tools, and the short- and long-term costs and effects of MetroMapping methodology
5. To guide policy-making by exploring the usability and applicability of the MetroMapping methodology and the decision–support tools for persons with other types of cancer and in other countries.
6. To guarantee the development of ethically and socially responsible decision-support tools by integrating social and ethical considerations in the process.
IP IIS Aragon
Pazo, Roberto
Financing Agency
Horizon Europe - HORIZON-HLTH-2021-CARE-05
Total Project Budget: €9.033.750,00
IISA financing: €247.500
Erasmus Universitair Medisch Centrum Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
Be a partner
- University of Zaragoza (Spain) - Umit Tirol - Private Universitat Fur Gesundheitswissenschaften und Technologie Gmbh (Austria) - Technische Universitaet München (Germany) - Leiden University Medical Center (The Netherlands) - Onkoloski Institut Ljubljana (Slovenia) - rEGION (Denmark) - Panton BV (The Netherlands) - Region Syddanmark (Denmark) - Fractal Strategy Sociedad Limitada (Spain) - Karolinska Institute - Region Stockholm (Sweden) - Charite-Universitaetsmedizin Berlin (Germany) - European Cancer Organization (Belgium) - l (Denmark) - Aragón Health Research Institute Foundation (Spain)
01/10/2022 – 30/09/2027 (60 months)