Organoids show potential in detecting specific mutations and the effect of drugs in various pathologies
11 January 2024CaixaImpulse Call for Innovation in Health 2024
12 January 2024Wednesday, January 17, 2024, at 18.00:XNUMX p.m. Presentation of the EvaluA GPS project, a tool to promote community participation for health in which the IIS Aragón participates
On Wednesday, January 17, 2024, at 18.00:XNUMX p.m., the result of the EvaluA GPS project, and the EVALGUÍA tool, an evidence-based tool to promote community participation for health, will be presented. Prior registration required.
Evaluate GPS It is a coordinated project funded by the ISCIII that has been carried out between 2020 and 2023. Three research nodes participate in it:
Comunitat Valenciana (FISABIO), Andalusia (Maimonides Institute for Biomedical Research of Córdoba) and Aragón (Aragón Health Research Institute).
The objective of the project has been to evaluate the impact of implementing the recommendations of the “NICE Guide to Community Participation to reduce inequalities in health”, translated and adapted to the Spanish context, in 13 community projects from several autonomous communities. As a result of this process, a tool has been developed, EVALGUÍA, which will be presented in the webinar on January 17, 2024.
EVALGUY It is a tool designed to analyze and increase community participation in health promotion projects, and thus contribute to improving people's health and well-being and reducing health inequalities. It is a facilitating and helpful tool, whose objective is to help us, through reflection and dialogue, to generate a self-critical view about what we are doing in relation to participation, how we are doing it, with what results, and how we can improve.
A web environment has been designed to be able to use EVALGUÍA in a simple and intuitive way. We think that knowing the tool may be of interest to all those people, professionals, managers and members of the associative and community sphere, interested in advancing the involvement of the population in health promotion projects.