
The IIS Aragón carries out comprehensive management of research calls, the process of which begins with the dissemination of the call and the proactive search for researchers ends with the final justification of the aid.

During the entire period of validity, researchers have a manager who supports them in the execution of the aid, resolves the most common management doubts and supports them in the relationship with the financing entity.

National Projects

National calls represent the largest number of applications submitted. The main financing entity in health matters is the Carlos III Health Institute, through the Strategic Action in Health. Funding is also obtained from other public sources such as the Ministry of Science or the Government of Aragon.

In the search work, general and personalized dissemination as well as the promotion of public and private R&D&I calls, both national and international, help and support is provided in the management of their processing.

International Projects

The IIS Aragón has an internationalization strategy with the aim of promoting the participation of its groups in European and international calls. The IIS Aragón disseminates the calls and supports the researcher in working on the proposal and the configuration of multinational consortia.

The necessary support is also provided to projects in execution to control the justification reports established in the proposal as well as those that correspond to the final intermediate phase.

Calls for people

The IIS Aragón advises, processes and supports the Institute's group of researchers in everything related to obtaining personnel from competitive calls, whether national or international.

It facilitates the search work, general and personalized dissemination, and the promotion of competitive, R&D&i, public and private calls, as well as supporting the management of aid processing.

The IIS Aragón coordinates the relations between researchers and funding entities, carrying out monitoring and scientific and economic justifications related to the personnel grants granted.

Economic management

The economic management team is in charge of controlling the financial expenses of the projects, as well as preparing the economic reports of the projects intended to justify the aid.

During the monitoring of the development of the project, the necessary advice and support is provided for the management of the budget assigned to the aid, as well as dialogue with the financing body.