3 July 2023

Dive Medical, awarded in Silicon Valley among more than 500 candidates

The startup, promoted by researchers from the IIS Aragón and the Aragón Engineering Research Institute of the University of Zaragoza, has been one of the winners of the global entrepreneurship challenge Santander X Global Challenge | The AI ​​Revolution.
30 June, 2023

Great success of the III School of Cellular and Molecular Biology of Cancer, organized by the IIS Aragón

Today the III School of Cellular and Molecular Biology of Cancer, coordinated by Alberto Jiménez Schuhmacher, ARAID researcher at the IIS Aragón, comes to an end, with a very positive balance.
29 June, 2023

At 150 years of the medical Cajal

Alberto Jiménez Schuhmacher, ARAID researcher at the IIS Aragón, writes in Heraldo de Aragón an article in tribute to Santiago Ramón y Cajal for the 150th anniversary of his Bachelor's degree in Medicine at the University of Zaragoza.
27 June, 2023

Best communication in Neuro-ophthalmology at SOE2023 for the IIS Aragón and the Miguel Servet University Hospital

From June 15 to 17, the Congress of the European Society of Ophthalmology 2023 was held in Prague and the Aragón Health Research Institute was present with a luxury representation.