7 July 2023

Marta Baselga, researcher at IIS Aragón, launches a new tool to create scientific illustrations in 3D

Marta Baselga, graduated in Industrial Design Engineering and part of IIS Aragón, has just launched a new personal project that is very useful for the sector: Scienfy. 
5 July 2023

An IIS Aragón project to achieve new therapeutic strategies against medulloblastoma, winner of the annual aid from the Cuenca Villoro Foundation

The funding, worth €50.000 for two years, has been granted to the project led by Patricia Sancho Andrés, researcher at IIS Aragón.
5 July 2023

Ismael Perisé, researcher at IIS Aragón, receives predoctoral support from the AECC for his thesis on glioblastoma

The work will focus on the search for new therapeutic strategies based on oncoimmunology for glioblastoma, a brain tumor with no improvements in its treatment for more than 20 years.
4 July 2023

The IIS Aragón Management Team receives the IRB Lleida Management to advance the collaboration between both Institutes.

Yesterday, Monday, we had the pleasure of receiving the Management Team of IRB Lleida, Institut de Recerca Biomèdica – Research Institute at the IIS Aragón. [...]