Augusts 9, 2023
Marta Baselga, researcher at IIS Aragón, launches a new tool to create scientific illustrations in 3D. We echo this report in Go Aragón.
Augusts 8, 2023
The winning team, which includes several researchers from IIS Aragón, has carried out two studies: one on weight gain after kidney transplant and another to early detect stenosis in native fistulas.
Augusts 3, 2023
To improve the visibility of the IIS Aragón, and highlight the activity carried out by the groups and their dissemination, a new stage in communication begins.
Augusts 2, 2023
Inés Mármol, researcher at IIS Aragón, back page in Heraldo de Aragón for the National Youth Award, in the Science and Technology category, from Injuve.
Augusts 1, 2023
The researcher and physiotherapist Pablo Herrero Gallego, from the IIS Aragon and the University of Zaragoza, led a training on the application of ultrasound-guided dry needling techniques for the treatment of spasticity.