21 December, 2023
The CIBA assembly hall will host a seminar led by Agilent on January 31 and February 1 and 2. "Seahorse XF cell analysis: beyond bioenergetic metabolism."
20 December, 2023
The IIS Aragón and the Male Breast Cancer Association (INVI) have just signed an agreement to launch the 'Antonio' project, a pioneering research project worldwide
19 December, 2023
To comply with the laws DA17.2 c) of LO 3/2018 on the reuse of biomedical research data, the participants of the Aragon Workers' Health Study (AWHS) carried out at the Aragonese Institute of Health Sciences are informed and the Research Institute whose main researcher is Dr. Martín Laclaustra Gimeno between the years 2009 and 2023, that its pseudonominized data will be reused in the CORDELIA project...
19 December, 2023
Aspanoa and the IIS Aragón organized an informative breakfast in Teruel last week with two Aragonese researchers to explain the latest advances in cancer research.
18 December, 2023