11 January 2024

Organoids show potential in detecting specific mutations and the effect of drugs in various pathologies

Marimar Encabo Berzosa, technician at the Biobank of the Aragon Health System (BSSA), explains to Gaceta Médica at what point its development and application is.
9 January 2024

Colon cancer screening stagnates and Aragón looks for another plan

Ángel Lanas, head of the Digestive Service at the Zaragoza Clinical Hospital and scientific director of the IIS Aragón, speaks in El Periódico de Aragón about the colon cancer screening program in Aragón.
8 January 2024

The Molecular Oncology Group of the IIS Aragón receives the support of the Saica Group staff

The company's workers receive points for participating in health and safety programs, which are converted into money and which they then decide to donate to social entities.