4 March, 2024
The project "Afternoons in the IIS Aragón laboratory: immersion in science for high school students" arises from IIS Aragón researchers Cecilia Pesini and Ariel Ramírez.
29 February, 2024
The Gaucher Disease and Hematological Neoplasms Study Group of the IIS Aragón is working on several lines of research on lysosomal storage diseases (LDS).
28 February, 2024
The iHealthy research group participates in a study that seeks to evaluate the effectiveness of the “dry needling” technique in improving gait disorders in patients with multiple sclerosis.
27 February, 2024
Mental health, obesity, thyroid disease and the importance of health control are the topics that will be addressed at each of the meetings by doctors and researchers.
26 February, 2024
On the trail of hereditary cancer in Aragon to create drugs tailored to the genetics of each patient
IACS, IIS Aragón and Unizar join forces to study hereditary cancer to advance the field of personalized precision medicine.