20 January 2023
Organ transplantation allows patients with organ failure to receive a healthy organ from a donor. This procedure can help prolong and improve [...]
19 January 2023
The Aragonese company ATESA, dedicated to the industrial electrical assembly and installation sector, once again supports the work of the Aragón Health Research Institute. In this [...]
13 January 2023
Let's say you are young, you watch your diet, you play sports and you even take the medication that the doctor has prescribed because in your last blood test the [...]
13 January 2023
We will all agree that any fruit, whether a banana or an orange, is a completely natural food. Up to this point there is no discussion. However, [...]
13 January 2023
It is possible to resurrect Cas9 proteins that could have existed in bacteria many millions of years ago, and function as gene editing tools in human cells. [...]