The IIS Aragón values FP students within the field of research
26 June, 2023
Dive Medical receives the distinction for 'Best project' at the Ebro Innovation Day
27 June, 2023From June 15 to 17, the Congress of the European Society of Ophthalmology 2023 in Prague and the Institute of Health Research Aragón was present with a luxury representation.

Ana Pueyo Bestué is part of the Miguel Servet Ophthalmology Research and Innovation Group (GIMSO) from IIS Aragón and has won the award for the best communication in Neuro-ophthalmology in Prague for the team's research work on optical coherence tomography and the early detection of Alzheimer's.
In addition, Dr. Munuera and Dr. Ciobotaru also attended this important event, along with Ana Pueyo, who also made excellent presentations.
Congratulations to the entire group who made this research possible!