Aid to promising researchers, from any field, to complete their postdoctoral training
November 15, 2022
Lemon, lime, celery and other foods that affect skin aging
November 16, 2022Featured photo: Dr. Antonio Lobo and his team together
The Spanish Society of Psychiatry and Mental Health has granted its Professional Career Award 2022 to the doctor Antonio Lobo Satue, former head of the Psychiatry Service at the University Clinical Hospital of Zaragoza and current coordinator of the Neurosciences Program of the Aragón Health Research Institute (IIS Aragón). The award ceremony will take place during the XXV edition of the National Congress of Psychiatry, which will be held on November 18 at the Congress Palace in Santiago de Compostela.
Emeritus professor of Psychiatry at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Zaragoza, Lobo completed his bachelor's degree at this faculty and then his thesis, while he was a research staff training fellow at the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC). He completed his residency and specialization in Psychiatry at the Cornell University Hospitals in New York and, later, was a professor at the Johns Hopkins Hospital and Medical School in Baltimore (USA). In 1977 he rejoined the University of Zaragoza and has been a visiting professor at various European and American universities.
At the University Clinical Hospital he organized the Psychosomatic and Liaison Psychiatry Unit, the first of its kind in our country, and has directed different units up to his Head of Service. In this Service the first MIR of Psychiatry in Aragon were trained, and 35 promotions until his retirement. In addition, he organized and directed a Memory and Dementia Clinic since 2000. He directs two multidisciplinary lines of research, in which he is systematically published in high-impact international journals. He has been national coordinator of a National Thematic Network of the Carlos III Health Institute and principal investigator of the Zaragoza group of the Center for Biomedical Research in Mental Health Network (CIBERSAM), the research consortium of the Carlos III Health Institute, where he has coordinated the Psychosomatic Disorders Program. Of particular relevance are his lines of work on dementia and depression in the elderly, where he directs the ZARADEMP Project, and his line on psychosomatic and liaison psychiatry. In both he has been principal investigator in Spain of the EURODEM projects on dementia; EURODEP, on depression in the elderly; and the ECLW projects in the line of psychosomatic psychiatry.
Among his professional associations, he has been president of the Spanish Society of Psychosomatic Medicine and also of the European Association of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry and Psychosomatics, founded precisely in Zaragoza. He has previously received awards for his scientific and clinical career, including the first 'Frits Huyse Award' from the European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine and from the Official College of Physicians of Zaragoza. He is a member of the editorial board of a number of high-impact international journals and editor of the European Journal of Psychiatry, which is published from Zaragoza.
El IIS Aragón Neurosciences Program led by Lobo includes research groups with a considerable history of working together. They are groups with a high competitive level in clinical services. neurology, psychiatry and mental health and related medical specialties, who conduct independent, world-class research on basic and clinical neuroscience mechanisms. This program aims to contribute to the improvement of diagnostic, therapeutic and resource management procedures, as well as prevention and health promotion.