The Aragón Health Research Institute promotes four projects at the San Jorge Hospital in Huesca
28 June, 2022Call JTC 2022: TRANSCAN-3 Transnational cancer research
1 July 2022The Spanish Society of Nephrological Nursing has awarded a group of nurses belonging to the Nephrology and Kidney Transplant Research Group from the Aragón Health Research Institute (IIS Aragón) for his work entitled 'How do collateral veins affect the measurement of access flow by ultrasound and thermodilution?'. This is a pioneering project, after more than two years of work, that seeks to improve the quality of the hemodialysis service, reduce variability and, ultimately, achieve better treatment results.
Francisco Javier Rubio, lead author of the work, explains that vascular access is the umbilical cord with the life of the hemodialysis patient. The quality of the treatment and, therefore, the patient's quality of life depends on vascular access. Due to this importance, the team created a group of native arteriovenous fistulas and launched a specific work program on vascular access, through follow-up and monitoring with ultrasound and dilution methods to compare how they affect the collateral veins of the patients. to the flow of the vascular access.
This group, which is the Hemodialysis Nursing team of the Miguel Servet University Hospital, is made up of Víctor Cantín Lahoz, Emilia López Ferrer, Ana Isabel Sierra Sánchez, Francisco Javier Rubio Castañeda, María Amaya Mateo Sánchez and Manuel Fernández Núñez.