Call for subsidies for the hiring of predoctoral research personnel in training (DGA Predoctorals)
31 May 2022
A 4-year-old boy from Mali who suffers from a facial deformity is treated at the Zaragoza Children's Hospital
1 June, 2022The Lorente de No assembly hall of the CIBA today hosted the 'ipIBA Day', a meeting to promote scientific culture among predoctoral researchers at the IIS Aragón that was held in a cordial and relaxed atmosphere with 80 registered, exceeding the expectations of the organization. The first edition of this initiative, which has closed with a very positive balance, has crowned the most brilliant young disseminators. The winner of the poster in scientific format was Tresa López, while the best of her in the presentation of her doctoral thesis in three minutes was Pilar Espiau.
The prizes consisted of a training bonus worth 400 euros for the winner of the 3-minute thesis contest and another bonus of 100 euros for the author of the best poster. The second classified in both categories were Eduardo Moreo (poster) and Tresa López (thesis), who received separate batches of products from Pastelería Tolosana.
The day began with a speed dating scientific so that attendees could get to know each other, as well as comment on the exhibited posters that were entered into the competition. Afterwards, two training workshops were held, one on or mindfulness, taught by Dr. García Campayo, and another on scientific dissemination, by the scientific stand-up comedians RISArchers.
The 'ipIBA Day', which puts the finishing touch to the seminars on biomedical research that are given biweekly on Tuesdays of each month, aims to promote scientific culture among the members of the IIS Aragón, enhance the networking among younger researchers and contribute to the development of their transversal skills in communication and dissemination.