The Company of Biologists' journals offer support for organizing scientific meetings and conferences.
15 January 2024JPIAMR 17th Call: AMR Interventions 2024
15 January 2024These calls aim to promote interaction between young and established researchers in the field of immunology and will grant entities organizing events (conferences, workshops, training, etc.) on immunology held in Europe, the necessary funding to offer scholarships. trip for young researchers to attend these events.
Deadline: 08/03/2024
Beneficiaries: People or entities organizing events related to the field of Immunology.
Aid conditions:
The application must be submitted by the people or entities organizing the events related to immunology, who can demonstrate, in the application, that without the financing of this aid they would not be able to grant travel grants.
These grants can only be used to subsidize researchers' participation costs and cannot be used to directly finance an event.
Potential applicants should also note that annual meetings of Member Societies are not eligible for support.
It will be valued:
- The scientific impact.
- Scope at European level.
- It will be positively valued if the applicant is an early career researcher.
The request must be made using the online form that you will find on the help website accessible in the following link, in which you must attach a cover letter, the provisional program of the event and a budget with the forecast of income and expenses.
The application for the submission of applications will remain open throughout the year, with the evaluation committee meeting every three or four months. It is recommended to make the request at least three months before the date of the event. The next evaluation meeting will be on March 8, 2024.