One of the leading experts on Buruli ulcer and leprosy in Africa will give a conference in Zaragoza this Friday
November 29, 2023
First workshop of the IIS Aragón project “Patient in Science” in Binaced
1 December, 2023The Aragonese Health Service, the IIS Aragón and the University of Zaragoza have organized training sessions with the latest developments in the approach to this pathology at the Zaragoza Clinical Hospital
More than a hundred professionals from different specialties involved in the care and monitoring of patients with heart failure participated yesterday and today in continuing training sessions held at the Lozano Blesa University Clinical Hospital. Achieving effective continuity of care for these patients is one of the ideas on which this activity is organized.
High prevalence
Dr. Marta Sánchez, internist at the Hospital Clínico and member of the IIS Heart Failure Research Group, explains the importance of this day.
In the care of a patient with heart failure, specialists from Emergency Medicine, Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Nephrology or Family and Community Medicine may participate, at one time or another. This is added to the complexity of the disease, which requires a multidisciplinary approach and continuous updating, and to its high prevalence. It should be remembered that heart failure is the first cause of hospitalization in Internal Medicine services.
Continuity of care
Marta Sánchez highlights the necessary coordination between the different levels of care.
For this reason, the Aragonese Health Service, the IIS Aragón and the University of Zaragoza have organized these conferences in which to address in a clear and practical way the developments related to this disease, in a scientific and multidisciplinary context.
Source: Government of Aragon