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1 June, 2020
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1 June, 2020The initiative of the Health Research Institute has received the support of more than 400 companies, institutions and individuals
The funded projects work on achieving effective methods to prevent infection and improving the diagnosis and treatment of infected patients.
The 'Investigate COVID-19' fundraising campaign, launched by the Aragón Health Research Institute (IIS Aragón) two months ago, has already raised almost 86.000 euros thanks to more than 400 donations from individuals, companies and institutions, both at the community and national level. The objective of this initiative, which complements others that have been launched to facilitate the acquisition of protective equipment for hospitals, is to financially support research into effective methods to prevent infection among healthcare personnel and the general population, as well as as in improving the diagnosis and clinical treatment of National Health Service patients infected by the coronavirus.
The list of entities that have opted for IIS Aragón researchers includes the manufacturer of elevator components Wittur, with a plant in Malpica; to the Illustrious Official College of Nursing of Zaragoza; the automotive assistant ADR Geplasmetal; Ineava, neurological rehabilitation center; the laboratories Vifor Pharma and Associate Consulting Pathologists; the AEl Ciar de Selgua association (Huesca); Aibar town hall (Navarre); or the signature XXI Congresses, dedicated to the organization of health events.
The IIS Aragón, through its website, promptly reports on the evolution of each of these studies so that patrons who trust in the work of these teams of researchers know first-hand and in a transparent way the effective destination. of your financial donations and the results obtained with them. Specifically, the funds received in the campaign 'Investigate COVID-19' They are currently allowing the following projects to be financed:
- Analysis of the repercussions of confinement measures on chronic diseases managed by Primary Health Care.
- Evaluation of the seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 among healthcare professionals as a strategy for optimizing the distribution of human resources and identifying convalescent serum donors during the first wave of the pandemic.
- Development and implementation of a deep learning tool for optimizing the diagnosis and classification of patients with SARS-CoV-2 disease in a pandemic situation.
- AntiSARS-CoV-2 Compound Identification and Testing Platform.
- Use of health services in patients with Covid-19: possible impact on health.
- Utility of clinical ultrasound and the use of serum biomarkers in risk stratification of patients with SARS-CoV2 infection.
- COVID-19 and inflammatory bowel disease.
How to donate?
There are two ways to make donations to IIS Aragón. On the one hand, bank transfers are accepted to the IBAN account number ES88 2100 8687 2702 0001 2559, in which concept “COVID19” must be indicated for correct traceability. On the other hand, through the IIS website https://www.iisaragon.es/donaciones-covid- 19/ You can fill out a form with your personal information and make a card payment.
The IIS Aragón remembers that all contributions made to its Foundation benefit from the tax deductions contemplated in Law 49/2002 on the Tax Regime of Non-Profit Entities and Tax Incentives for Patronage. To request certification of the donation for tax relief purposes, it is necessary to indicate it in the form on the IIS Aragón website, or via email to the address donations@iisaragon.es after making the bank transfer.
Aragon Health Research Institute
The IIS Aragón is the Health Research Institute of the hospital complex formed by the Teaching and University Hospitals “Hospital Clínico Universitario Lozano Blesa” and “Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet” and Primary Health Care. The University of Zaragoza and the Aragonese Institute of Health Sciences are associated with this hospital complex through different legal instruments.
The objectives of the IIS Aragón are to bring together basic and applied, clinical and health services research; create a quality research, care and teaching environment to which health professionals, training specialists and postgraduate and undergraduate students are exposed, as well as constitute the ideal place for attracting talent and the location of large scientific facilities. technological.