Javier García-Campayo, one of the national references in psychology, launches his new book today
September 6, 2023
The Cariñena City Council will allocate the funds raised in its solidarity tortilla to the IIS Aragón
September 12, 2023Thanks to the financing obtained by Aspanoa in events like this, the first research against childhood cancer has begun in Aragon, with a current investment of 440.000 euros distributed in five projects, four of them at the IIS Aragón.
The eleventh edition of the MTB Aspanoa It will be held on Saturday, September 23 in the Huesca town of Almudévar. This is a mountain bike ride that seeks to repeat last year's participation success, when 1.000 registered cyclists were reached, making it the largest solidarity cycle tour in Aragon.
Aspanoa raises funds with this BTT to finance the services it provides at its House in Almudévar to children with cancer and their families, such as camps, family respites, coexistence or workshops. So far this year, these facilities have been used by more than a hundred minors with cancer from all over Spain.
Registration is open and can be done through the website https://www.aspanoa.org/btt. Cyclists will be able to choose between three routes: the long one (63 kilometers), the short one (24 kilometers) and the family one (6,5 kilometers, ideal to do with children, and which runs through the town of Almudévar itself). The latter has a symbolic price of 5 euros and the other two routes are worth 25 euros. For organizational reasons, registrations will close on Wednesday, September 20 or whenever 1.000 registrants are reached.
All participants in the short and long routes will receive an Almudévar Braid as a gift thanks to Pastelería Tolosana, which together with Adisseo, the Almudévar City Council, the Virgen de la Corona Cooperative, the Provincial Council of Huesca, Electricidad Medina and the Foundation Caja Rural de Aragón are the main sponsors of this solidarity activity.
The activity was precisely presented this morning at the Caja Rural de Aragón Main Office in Huesca, where the manager of Aspanoa, Juan Carlos Acín, was present; the technical director of the test, Antonio Justes; the mayor of Almudévar, José Luis Abad; and the territorial director of Caja Rural de Aragón in Huesca, Jesús Uriol.
Aspanoa is the association that helps children with cancer in Aragon, supports their families and promotes research against childhood cancer in the Community. Last year, it treated 197 oncological minors in different phases of the disease and 368 relatives of the affected minor, the majority being their parents and siblings. Its funding has also made it possible to begin the first research against childhood cancer in the history of Aragon, with a current investment of 440.000 euros distributed across five projects, four of them in the Health Research Institute of Aragon (IIS Aragón) and a fifth in the Carbochemistry Institute of the CSIC, based in Zaragoza.
Source: Aspanoa