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Augusts 29, 2024Ibercaja Foundation, In collaboration with the Aragón Health Research Institute (IIS Aragón), presents the day “Promotion of cardiovascular health in the work environment”, with the aim of raising awareness and promoting the importance of promoting health at work, highlighting its benefits.
Promoting health in the work environment is a criterion that is becoming strong and It began to be introduced as a business management model at the end of the 20th century.. The main references are the Luxembourg declaration in 1997 and the creation of the network of healthy companies in Spain in 2012.
Nowadays it is evident that we need “healthy organizations” that comply with occupational risk prevention standards and that, in addition, promote healthy habits, behaviors or lifestyles, integrating health promotion into their management as a process of continuous improvement. The workplace, the company, is a privileged space to improve and promote health, due to its wide population coverage, proximity to people, care and prolonged follow-up.
Ibercaja Patio de la Infanta Foundation (Calle San Ignacio de Loyola, 16. Zaragoza, 50008)
Dates and time
Thursday October 3 of 2024 from 18:30 p.m.
18:30. Welcome. What is a healthy company? Benefits of the implementation of a “Promotion of cardiovascular health in the work environment” program. Dr. Miguel A. Guerrero Cásedas, responsible for the Medical Service – Health Unit – Ibercaja.
18:45. Presentation 1. Importance of health surveillance in the company. Dr. Eusebio Mur Vispe, coordinator of Medical Services and Ergonomics. Prevention Department Stellantis España SL.
19:00. Presentation 2. How to combat a sedentary lifestyle at work? Alberto Sánchez Biec, director of Sports at the University of Zaragoza. Director of the Healthy Unizar Program.
19:15. Presentation 3. The importance of sleep at work. Dr. M.ª Teresa Martín Capri, assistant physician of Pulmonology at the Miguel Servet University Hospital. Associate Professor of Pulmonology at the University of Zaragoza.
19:30. Colloquium.
20:00. Closing. Aragonese Network of Healthy Companies (RAES). Jesus Divasson Mendivil, General Director of Labor of the Government of Aragon.
If you want to attend the event for free, you just have to Sign up by filling out this form.
Source: Ibercaja Foundation