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September 26, 2022To find out to what extent it is positive, Norwegian researchers have carried out a scientific review, published in the 'International Journal of Circumpolar Health', from which they have drawn important conclusions.
There has long been talk about the health benefits of cold water baths, a popular pastime in the Nordic countries and increasingly widespread in the rest of the planet. To find out to what extent it has benefits, Norwegian researchers have carried out an important scientific review, published in the 'International Journal of Circumpolar Health' from which important conclusions have been drawn.
The authors say that many of the 104 studies they analyzed showed significant effects of cold water swimming, including on "good" fats that help burn calories, which may protect against obesity and cardiovascular diseases. "Taking a dip in cold water may reduce 'bad' body fat in men and reduce the risk of disorders such as diabetes," the research suggests.
"From this review, it is clear that there is growing scientific support that voluntary exposure to cold water may have some beneficial health effects. Many of the studies demonstrated significant effects of cold water immersion on various physiological and biochemical parameters.. But the question of whether or not these are beneficial to health is difficult to assess," said lead author James Mercer of UiT.
Are the benefits of bathing in ice water real?
La weight loss, better mental health and increased libido are among the numerous health and wellness claims made by followers of regular cold water immersion. And as for the type of activity, it takes many forms, such as swimming in cold water during winter, and is the subject of growing interest around the world.
The main objective of the review was determine whether voluntary exposure to cold water has health effects in humans. The methodology involved a detailed search of the scientific literature.
Se Studies in which participants wore wetsuits were excluded from the review., accidental immersion in cold water and water temperatures above 20 degrees Celsius. While topics that were eligible for review included inflammation, adipose tissue, blood circulation, immune system, and oxidative stress.
In this way, they have observed that immersion in cold water has a great impact on the body and triggers a shock response, such as an elevated heart rate. Some studies provided evidence that Cardiovascular risk factors actually improve in swimmers who have adapted to the cold. However, other studies suggest that the heart's workload increases.
The review provided information on the positive links between cold water swimming and brown adipose tissue (BAT), a type of 'good' body fat that is activated by the cold. B.A.T. burns calories to maintain body temperature unlike 'bad' white fat that stores energy.
On the other hand, according to the review, repeated immersion in cold water during the winter months significantly increased insulin sensitivity and reduced insulin concentrations. This was for both experienced and inexperienced swimmers.
In conclusion Researchers do highlight its benefits, at least those observed, but warn that education about health risks is needed associated with a dip in ice water. Not controlling them could have consequences such as hypothermia and heart and lung problems, which are often related to cold shock.
Source: Heraldo de Aragón