Aragonese scientists develop nanocapsules that allow the controlled release of drugs and the destruction of malignant cells through their activation with light
18 March, 2022
Aragonese scientists develop nanocapsules that allow the controlled release of drugs and the destruction of malignant cells through their activation with light
21 March, 2022The University counselor and the general director of Animal Rights have visited the Faculty of Medicine to learn about these projects, which consist of the detection of tumors, the treatment of covid and tuberculosis.
The University counselor and the general director of Animal Rights have visited the Faculty of Medicine to learn about these projects, which consist of the detection of tumors, the treatment of covid and tuberculosis.
Research without animals
These are three biomedical investigations that are carried out on the Aragonese public campus and at the Aragon Biomedical Research Center by three researchers from the Aragonese Agency for Research and Development Foundation (ARAID).
On the other hand, Dr. Santiago Ramón and the senior researcher at the University of Zaragoza Ainhoa Lucía Quintana use a pharmacological system of hollow fiber bioreactors for the treatment of tuberculosis.
Money allocated to research without animals
The only call currently in existence to support non-animal research has come from the General Directorate of Animal Rights itself for an amount of 100.000 euros, while in countries like the United Kingdom or Sweden up to 2,5 and 1,4 million euros are allocatedrespectively.
In Spain, according to the latest official data available, animals were used in experimentation and for other scientific purposes on more than 2020 occasions in 760.000, more than half of them rodents, although on a "slow but continuous" downward path (a 9% less in two years).
For this reason, the counselor and the general director of Animal Rights have advocated the development of replacement models such as those used in the aforementioned biomedical research that, in addition, present a better translation of results to humans in terms of the development of new medications. and therapies.
In this way, they have put the University of Zaragoza and the Health Research Institute of Aragon as examples that "yes it is possible" to advance in biomedicine without experimental animals
Source: Heraldo de Aragón