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7 February, 2022
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7 February, 2022- The activity is part of the 'Conócelas' initiative of the Spanish Cancer Research Association (ASEICA), which seeks to give visibility to the work of these professionals and promote scientific vocations among students.
Eight researchers from the Aragón Health Research Institute (IIS Aragón) participate tomorrow, February 8, in the 'Conócelas' initiative, which will connect in person or virtually 220 scientists in the field of oncology with more than 11.000 students from all corners of Spain on the occasion of International Day of Women and Girls in Science. This is a project of the Spanish Cancer Research Association (ASEICA) to give visibility, in a dynamic and interactive way, to the 'cancer detectives', whose experiences will also serve as an example to promote scientific vocations among young students as a future job opportunity.
Patricia Sancho, Beatriz Parejo, Marta Mascaraque, Rocío Bayona, Alba Royo, Ruth González, Pilar Espiau and Paula Martín are the main researchers, predoctoral, postdoctoral and laboratory technicians of the IIS Aragón who will chat with 4th, 5th and 6th grade students , 4th year of ESO and 1st year of Baccalaureate from five Aragonese schools, located in Zaragoza (IES Miralbueno and IES Clara Campoamor), Cuarte de Huerva (CEIP Foro Romano), Remolinos (CEIP Alfredo Muiños) and Híjar (IES Pedro Laín Entralgo). "In Aragón we have almost 400 students, more than double that of last year, and our objective is to continue growing in impact in future editions because we want to reach students from Huesca and Teruel," says Patricia Sancho, principal researcher of the 'Metabolism and cancer stem cells' from IIS Aragón and coordinator of this initiative in the community. Other Aragonese researchers in the oncology field who work in other centers also participate in the event.
ASEICA has developed an interactive map that will locate cancer researchers in Spain and abroad. Sorted by autonomous communities, each 'detective' has a file that includes both scientific references and more personal facets of the participating researchers, beyond the laboratory. Likewise, ASEICA has generated another map, available on the ASEICA website, with references to the students who will participate in 'Conócelas' located by region.
“We are very excited by the interest that this initiative has generated. Last year was already a successful call and in this edition we will have an even greater impact because we have received requests to connect with more than 11.000 students and researchers have joined throughout the national geography and in large research centers abroad ", highlights Marisol Soengas, vice president of ASEICA and general coordinator of this event. “An important objective is to present leading female researchers, dynamic and committed to science, who will explain what they are working on and will discover to the children what cancer is and how a laboratory works,” adds Luis Paz-Ares, president of ASEICA.
Access to the Cancer Detectives map:
About the Aragón Health Research Institute (IIS Aragón)
The IIS Aragón is the Health Research Institute formed by the “Lozano Blesa” and “Miguel Servet” University Hospitals, Primary Health Care, the University of Zaragoza and the Aragonese Institute of Health Sciences. The objectives of the IIS Aragón are to bring together basic and applied, clinical and health services research; create a quality research, care and teaching environment that integrates health professionals, training specialists and postgraduate and undergraduate students, as well as constitute the ideal place for attracting talent and the location of large scientific-technological facilities.