Update date: 24/05/2023
Governing and management bodies
Board of Trustees
José Luis Bancalero Flores
Councilor of the Government of Aragon with powers in health (President)
Councilor of the Government of Aragon with powers in health (President)
José Antonio Mayoral Murillo
Rector of UNIZAR (Vice President)
Rector of UNIZAR (Vice President)
Alberto Gil Costa
UNIZAR Manager
UNIZAR Manager
Ana Cristina Castillo Forniés
HEALTH Managing Director
HEALTH Managing Director
Elena Gonzalvo Suñer
Managing Director of IACS
Managing Director of IACS
Rosa María Bolea Dance
Appointed by the Rector of UNIZAR
(Vice-Rector for Scientific Policy)
Appointed by the Rector of UNIZAR
(Vice-Rector for Scientific Policy)
Gloria Cuenca Bescós
Appointed by the Rector of UNIZAR (Vice Rector of Technological Transfer and Innovation)
Appointed by the Rector of UNIZAR (Vice Rector of Technological Transfer and Innovation)
Gerardo Rodríguez Martínez
Appointed by the Rector of UNIZAR (Professor Secretary of the Faculty of Medicine)
Appointed by the Rector of UNIZAR (Professor Secretary of the Faculty of Medicine)
Rafael Lapeña Gil
Appointed by the Managing Director of HEALTH
(Sector III Manager)
Appointed by the Managing Director of HEALTH
(Sector III Manager)
Patricia Palazón Saura
Appointed by the Managing Director of HEALTH
(Manager of Sector II of Zaragoza)
Appointed by the Managing Director of HEALTH
(Manager of Sector II of Zaragoza)
Zoraida Soriano Gil
Appointed by the Managing Director of the IACS
Director of the Production and Innovation Area of the IACS
Appointed by the Managing Director of the IACS
Director of the Production and Innovation Area of the IACS
Luis Emilio Pablo Júlvez
Scientific Deputy Director IIS Aragón
(Non-Patron Secretary)
Scientific Deputy Director IIS Aragón
(Non-Patron Secretary)
Management Committee
Angel Lanas Arbeloa
Scientific Director IIS Aragón
Scientific Director IIS Aragón
Rosa María Bolea Dance
Vice-rector for Scientific Policy (UNIZAR)
Vice-rector for Scientific Policy (UNIZAR)
Elena Gonzalvo Suñer
Managing Director of IACS
Managing Director of IACS
Patricia Palazón Saura
Manager of the Miguel Servet University Hospital
Manager of the Miguel Servet University Hospital
Rafael Lapeña Gil
Manager of the Lozano Blesa University Clinical Hospital
Manager of the Lozano Blesa University Clinical Hospital
Alberto Gil Costa
UNIZAR Manager
UNIZAR Manager
Luis Emilio Pablo Júlvez
Scientific Deputy Director IIS Aragón
Scientific Deputy Director IIS Aragón
Oscar Lopez Lorente
Executive Director IIS Aragón
Executive Director IIS Aragón
Advisory Bodies
External Scientific Committee
Francisco Fernandez Aviles
Full Professor of Cardiology at the University of Valladolid. Head of the Cardiology Service of the Gregorio Marañón General University Hospital
Full Professor of Cardiology at the University of Valladolid. Head of the Cardiology Service of the Gregorio Marañón General University Hospital
Joan Llobera Canaves
Epidemiologist doctor. Head of the Primary Care Research Unit of Mallorca. Health Service of the Balearic Islands. Government of the Balearic Islands
Epidemiologist doctor. Head of the Primary Care Research Unit of Mallorca. Health Service of the Balearic Islands. Government of the Balearic Islands
Laura Lechuga Gómez
CSIC research professor. Group Head at the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2)
CSIC research professor. Group Head at the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2)
José Mª Ordovás Muñoz
Senior Scientist and Director, Nutrition and Genomics Laboratory Jean Mayer USDA HNRCA at Tufts University (Boston). She belongs to the HNRCA (Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging), which in turn is part of Tufts University.
Senior Scientist and Director, Nutrition and Genomics Laboratory Jean Mayer USDA HNRCA at Tufts University (Boston). She belongs to the HNRCA (Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging), which in turn is part of Tufts University.
Octavi Quintana Trias
Director of the European Research Area
Director of the European Research Area
Jesus Usón Gargallo
Honorary President of the Jesús Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Center (CCMIJU)
Honorary President of the Jesús Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Center (CCMIJU)
José Mª Piqué Badía
Doctor in medicine. Gastroenterology. General Director of the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona
Doctor in medicine. Gastroenterology. General Director of the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona
Marina Pollan Santamaría
Head of the Cancer Epidemiology Service at the Environmental and Cancer Epidemiology Unit of the National Epidemiology Center. Associate professor of the Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health of the Autonomous University of Madrid
Head of the Cancer Epidemiology Service at the Environmental and Cancer Epidemiology Unit of the National Epidemiology Center. Associate professor of the Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health of the Autonomous University of Madrid
José López Barneo
Professor of Physiology at the University of Seville. Director of the Biomedical Research Laboratory of the University of Seville
Professor of Physiology at the University of Seville. Director of the Biomedical Research Laboratory of the University of Seville
Augusto Azuara Blanco
Professor at the School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences at the Institute for Health Sciences at Queen's University of Belfast
Professor at the School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences at the Institute for Health Sciences at Queen's University of Belfast
Investigation Commission
Angel Lanas Arbeloa
Luis Emilio Pablo Júlvez
Vice President
Vice President
Isabel Pinilla Lozano
Antonio Anton Torres
José María Marín Trigo
Julio Montoya Villarroya
María José Rabanaque Hernández
Ana Cenarro Laguna
Asuncion Garcia Gonzalez
Antonio Lobo Satue
Javier Naval Iraberri
Elena Altarribas Bag
Fernando Civeira Murillo
Jesus Osada Garcia
Jon Schoorlemmer
José Ignacio Labarta Aizpún
José Ramón Paño Pardo
José Manuel Ramírez Rodríguez
Luis Moreno Aznar
Pilar Martin Duque
Juan Pablo Martinez
Sandra Prados Torres
Alexandra Prados Torres
Sergio Cervero Benedí
Participation Bodies
Internal Scientific Committee
Angel Lanas Arbeloa
Scientific Director IIS Aragón
Scientific Director IIS Aragón
Luis Emilio Pablo Júlvez
Scientific Deputy Director IIS Aragón
Scientific Deputy Director IIS Aragón
Rosa Magallon Botaya
Public Health, Chronicity, Health Services and Primary Care Program Coordinator
Public Health, Chronicity, Health Services and Primary Care Program Coordinator
José Antonio Casasnovas Languages
Cardiovascular, Metabolism and Nutrition Program Coordinator
Cardiovascular, Metabolism and Nutrition Program Coordinator
Delia González de la Cuesta
Research and Innovation Program Coordinator in Nursing and Health Care
Research and Innovation Program Coordinator in Nursing and Health Care
Ignacio Ochoa Garrido
Coordinator of the Technologies and Innovation Program Applied to Health
Coordinator of the Technologies and Innovation Program Applied to Health
Antonio Lobo Satue
Neuroscience, Mental Health and Sense Organs Program Coordinator
Neuroscience, Mental Health and Sense Organs Program Coordinator
Julián Pardo Jimeno
Program Coordinator Immunity, Cancer and Diseases of Infectious Origin or Molecular Basis
Program Coordinator Immunity, Cancer and Diseases of Infectious Origin or Molecular Basis
Jesús de la Osada García
Representative of Consolidated Groups
Representative of Consolidated Groups
Peter the Baptist
Representative of Emerging Researchers
Representative of Emerging Researchers
José Ramón Paño Pardo
Representative of Emerging Groups
Representative of Emerging Groups
Raúl Embún Flor
Representative of Associated Groups
Representative of Associated Groups
Javier Aragón Fernández
Representative of the field of Training
Representative of the field of Training
Noelia Mendoza Calvo
Representative of Researchers in Training
Representative of Researchers in Training
Eva Lopez Hernandez
Representative of the field of Translation
Representative of the field of Translation
Sergio Cervero Benedí
Representative in the field of Research
Representative in the field of Research
Ester García García
Representative of the field of Innovation
Representative of the field of Innovation
Oscar Lopez Lorente
Representative of the Quality field
Representative of the Quality field