What is it?
El IIS Aragon is the Health Research Institute of the Hospital Complex formed by the University Hospitals “Hospital Clínico Universitario Lozano Blesa” and “Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet” and Primary Health Care. The IIS Aragón is the Health Research Institute made up of the “Lozano Blesa” and “Miguel Servet” University Hospitals, Primary Health Care, the University of Zaragoza and the Aragonese Institute of Health Sciences.
The purposes of the IIS Aragón are:
a) Bring together basic and applied, clinical and health services research.
b) Create a quality research, care and teaching environment that integrates health professionals, training specialists, postgraduate and undergraduate students.
c) Constitute the ideal place for attracting talent and locating large scientific-technological facilities.
El IIS Aragon, was accredited, following the proposal of the Carlos III Health Institute and the Ministry of Health, Social Welfare and Family of the Government of Aragon, after the previous favorable report issued by the Accreditation Evaluation Commission of the Carlos III Health Institute. (Order May 6, 2015).
In accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 339/2004, the Aragón Health Research Institute Foundation (IIS Aragón Foundation) is established, authorized according to Decree 125/2014, of July 22, of the Government of Aragon, for the governance and management of the IIS Aragón and facilitate the achievement of its objectives that incorporate the collegiate governing body with the representation of the entities that associate to form the IIS Aragón.
El IIS Aragon establishes short, medium and long-term strategies to disseminate the knowledge generated from the field of research to the general population and the user of the system. To this end, it establishes elements of periodic review and evaluation of its effectiveness, relying on highly prestigious professionals.
Facilitate research and innovation in the field of health, ensuring the transfer and translation of its results, through the management of the necessary resources, in collaboration with key institutional and business agents in the environment, guaranteeing the sustainability of the Institute, its competitiveness and their social recognition.
Position itself in international excellence, with leading research groups in attracting resources and in the transfer and translation of knowledge, collaborating with its strategic partners at all levels to promote an activity aimed at responding to the health needs of the population.
Strategic objectives
The IIS Aragón has defined its strategic objectives that represent the goals to be achieved in the development of the purpose and vision.
Get some scientific results of the highest quality, favoring the development of internal collaborative research with a clear translational orientation.
Project the brand image of the IIS Aragón, both internally and externally, putting into value the activity carried out by the Institute.
Consolidate a model of relaciones with others key institutional and business agents in the environment, to address shared challenges.
Position internationally the activity of the IIS Aragón, increasing scientific alliances and fundraising.
Conduct a adequate generational change, considering the gender perspective.
Incorporate innovation in improving the processes, and the exploitation of results, both at the level scientific as healthcare.
Integrate the different social and patient groups linked to IIS Aragón as a key asset in the development of their scientific activity.