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11 July 2023El stomach cancer It is one of the most frequent in the world. In 2020, they were diagnosed 1.089.103 cases globally, In our countries every year it is detected in almost 7.000 people, according to data from the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM).
These tumors meant the fifth cause of oncological death in 2020 worldwide. The cause? In most cases it is diagnosed in the metastatic phase, as stated by the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC). In this context, the prognosis is usually poor: the 5-year survival rate it is 31%.
With the aim of developing a “solution that allows early diagnosis of gastric cancer", a team from Technological Institute of Aragon ITAINNOVA and Health Research Institute (IIS)from Aragon They have launched GastricAITool, a tool created from Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data technologies with which to improve early detection and, with it, the prognosis of patients.
The new system created seeks to improve this process based on advances in new technologies.
As the AECC indicates on its website, if this disease is addressed before its spread, the 5-year survival increases to 67%. The problem is that its symptoms can be confused with other pathologies and are unknown to society. Some of them are poor appetite, sudden weight loss, abdominal pain, heartburn, nausea, vague discomfort in the stomach or blood in the stool.
Currently, the diagnosis is based on clinical history, physical examination, blood tests, imaging tests, upper digestive endoscopy (gastroscopy) with or without endoscopic ultrasound, and pathological study, as stated by the SEOM. The new system created, which has funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, seeks to improve this process based on advances in new technologies.
The GastricAITool system is available to professionals in the Gatekeeper platform, with the objective “to provide clinical professionals with support in making decisions and choosing a personalized treatment strategy,” they indicate on the website. In this sense, the tool has different diagnostic and prognostic models with which to categorize patients.
The healthcare professional has support to approach patients thanks to Big Data technology and AI
In this way, the tool takes into account variables such as family history, infection by H. plyori or the 16 genetic variants that have been related to the immune response against cancer cells, for the detection of different gastric tumors. In turn, it takes into account the stage of the cancer, its location, the presence of metastases and the treatment to make a prognosis.
The program, the authors indicate, is “very intuitive.” Once the patient data has been entered, the interface generates a series of explanatory graphs illustrating the variables, at the same time as the process used to reach them. With this, the health professional has support to approach patients thanks to the technology of Big Data and AI.
In the words of the authors: “These tools can have a significant impact on improving health and quality of life. “We are excited to continue working on this path and contribute to a more promising future in the healthcare field.”
Full news here: