“La Caixa” Banking Foundation. 7th Edition of the call for health research projects 2024
October 10, 2023
The IIS Aragón organizes a dialogue table within the project 'The Protagonist Patient' to talk about mental health
October 10, 2023The Foundation has oriented the aid to be granted in this call around two axes that provide continuity to those of previous years: on the one hand, it once again insists on research programs on
antimicrobial resistance; On the other hand, once again one of the grants is dedicated to gerontological research in a perspective that links with gerotechnology or geroscience.
Applicants/Beneficiaries: The aid is aimed at research groups belonging to the Red Biomedical Research Center Consortium (CIBER). The project for which aid is requested may involve two thematic areas of the CIBER related to the object of the research described below. The requesting and beneficiary center will in all cases be the CIBER.
Theme: Research on antimicrobial resistance among vulnerable population groups that includes innovative proposals with the application of new technologies or artificial intelligence tools in the generation or analysis of data.
Number of aid and endowment: Aid will be granted for a maximum amount of 300.000 euros.
Applicants/Beneficiaries: The aid is aimed at research groups at universities, hospitals, research centers, public or private, as well as entities and other organizations with their own legal personality whose object is related to the thematic area of the research defined below or are operating within the area.
The principal investigator must be assigned to a Spanish center.
The submission of proposals to section 2 by the aforementioned Consortium (CIBER) will not be possible.
Theme: Research that addresses the problem of fragility and/or the intrinsic capacity of the elderly from the perspective of technology (use of sensors, development of global platforms for clinical approach to the patient at home, application of artificial intelligence...), both for diagnostic purposes, as well as for intervention, preventive or therapeutic purposes, and monitoring, either in isolation or globally.
Endowment: Aid will be granted for a maximum amount of 300.000 euros.
Deadline: October 19, 2023 at 20:00 p.m., Spanish peninsular time.