Arthritis Foundation
16 May 2024
Aragón has almost 600 clinical trials underway, 50% of them in oncology
20 May 2024The winner of the poster in scientific format was Carolina Gómez, while the best in presenting her doctoral thesis in three minutes was Soraya Hernández
The Lorente de No assembly hall of the CIBA today hosted the III 'ipIBA Day', a meeting to promote scientific culture among predoctoral researchers at the IIS Aragón. The third edition of this initiative has closed with a very positive balance and maintains its success in participation with 80 attendees. “This edition has been a success and you are the pool that will exist in the future,” assured the scientific director of the IIS Aragon, Ángel Lanas.
The day began with a speed dating scientific so that attendees could get to know each other. Afterwards, a Laboratorios Illa escape room designed by Lumipakele and the winning team has been awarded an event t-shirt. In the middle of the day, a coffee break was held for the participants to explain the posters and the jury to evaluate them. Next, the doctoral theses were presented in an informative tone in 3 minutes and before closing the III ipIBA Day, the AECC He has taught an emotional management workshop.
The winner for presenting her thesis in 3 minutes was Soraya Hernandez, who has received a prize of €400 in training and, secondly, Alvaro Blanes, has received a batch of products from Pastelería Tolosana. Likewise, the first classified in the poster contest has been Carolina Gómez with €100 and the second, Alba Royo, which has also been gifted with a batch of products from Tolosana pastry.
The 'ipIBA Day', which puts the finishing touch to the seminars on biomedical research taught during the course, aims to promote scientific culture among the members of the IIS Aragón, enhance the networking among younger researchers and contribute to the development of their transversal skills in communication and dissemination.