Next October 21, 2020, the
As has been done in previous years, Omsida proposes a Conference that serves as a meeting and collaboration point between the socio-health community and HIV patients, being a unique continuity activity in Aragon.
Who is the Conference aimed at?
The Conference is aimed at people affected by HIV, doctors, psychologists, nursing staff, pharmacy staff, patient associations, social workers, administrations and other social and health agents. We also have the presence of a large part of the entities dedicated to HIV at the national level, given the interest aroused by the topics discussed.
Programming of the Day
In this call we analyze from the current situation of HIV, other Sexually Transmitted Infections and their relationship with the Covid-19 pandemic, to the lessons learned and the challenges of the future.
NOTE:Registration is required; The number of places is limited in person and by Zoom.
Registration en www.aragon.es/-/formacion-1
Accreditation requested from the Continuing Training Commission of Health Professions of Aragon, of the Government of Aragon.
More information at: https://www.omsida.org/x-jornada-relacion-paciente-vih-y-personal-sociosanitario/
Organized by: Omsida
Sponsor: Janssen
Government of Aragon
ViiH Healthcare
CAI Foundation – ASC
HIVda test
If you want more information you can contact us:
Phone: 976 201 642
WhatsApp: 627 425 826
E-mail: omsida@omsida.org