Webinar “Sleep quality and occupational health”

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Webinar “Sleep quality and occupational health”

27 April, 2022 @ 11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Cycle “Promotion of cardiovascular health in the work environment”

Ibercaja Foundation in collaboration with the Aragón Health Research Institute Foundation, program this cycle promoting cardiovascular health in the work environment as a trunk part of the health promotion in the company.

Promoting health in the work environment becomes increasingly necessary and even more so at the time of health crisis in which we find ourselves. Caring for people is a priority and must be part of all business management. This criterion is included in the Luxembourg declaration in 1997 and the creation of the network of healthy companies in Spain in 2012.

The workplace, the company, is a privileged space to improve and promote health, due to its wide population coverage, proximity to people, care and prolonged follow-up.

We want to promote an Organization that is Healthy, ensuring that it complies with the standard regarding prevention of occupational risks and also promotes health at work, promoting healthy habits and behaviors, creating healthy lifestyles and all this with its health advice within a process of continuous improvement, which leads to comprehensive and integrated health management, for all people who work in the company.

With the presentation day and the 4 webinars, we take the first steps to raise awareness and promote the importance of promoting health at work, highlighting its benefits.


11.00 h. Welcome by Ana Mª Farré Gaudier. Director of Campus Ibercaja.

11.35 h. «Sleep quality and occupational health». In charge of Dr. José Mª Marín Trigo. Physician of the Pulmonology Service of the Miguel Servet University Hospital. Professor of Pulmonology at the University of Zaragoza. Researcher at the Aragón Health Research Institute (IIS Aragón) and the Networked Biomedical Research Center for Respiratory Diseases (CIBERES).

12.30 h. Questions and answers.

This activity will be carried out through ZOOM. We will send you by email the invitation and password to access the day before the activity takes place.

The address of the center reserves the right to carry out the activity whenever circumstances allow.


Registration and complete program


27 April 2022
11: 30 am - 12: 30 pm
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