Cross-cutting workshops on aspects related to research. «Gender aspects in research»

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Cross-cutting workshops on aspects related to research. «Gender aspects in research»

December 17, 2021 @ 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Next Friday, December 17 at 11 a.m. the conference on “Gender aspects in research”, organized within the cycle of Transversal workshops on aspects related to research by the Projects Unit of the Aragonese Institute of Health Sciences. It will take place in the Assembly Hall of the Aragon Biomedical Research Center (CIBA), with the possibility of online connection.

The day will feature a talk titled “SCIENCE FOR SOCIETY: the integration of gender analysis in research“, by Débora Zurro, Senior Scientist of the CSIC, followed by a discussion table with members of the Women and Science Advisory Commission of the Government of Aragon.

Aimed at both researchers and research managers, the objective of the conference is to train attendees to include gender aspects in research projects, and to provide them with tools to improve proposals in this regard. This is a key aspect in the new Framework Program of the European Commission (Horizon Europe) and is increasingly becoming more important in National Projects.

The agenda for the day is as follows:

11:00 – 11:10 Opening of the day and welcome to CIBA (Alba de Martino, Director of the Knowledge and Innovation Production Area of ​​the Aragonese Institute of Health Sciences-IACS)

11:10 – 12:30 “SCIENCE FOR SOCIETY: the integration of gender analysis in research” (Débora Zurro, Senior Scientist of the CSIC)

12:30 – 13:15 Discussion table with members of the Women and Science Advisory Commission of the Government of Aragon:

    • Carmen Mayoral, senior scientist at the CSIC, head of the Department of Chemical Processes and Nanotechnology at the Institute of Carbochemistry. Member of the Women and Science Commission of the CSIC for the Area of ​​Chemical Science and Technologies. Vice President of AMIT (Association of Women Researchers and Technologists)-Aragón.
    • Trinidad Serrano, Head of the Hepatology Section of the Lozano Blesa University Clinical Hospital, associate professor of Medicine at the University of Zaragoza, researcher attached to the Aragón Health Research Institute and member of the board of directors of AMIT-Aragón.
    • María Villarroya, Full Professor at the University of Zaragoza, first director of the Equality Observatory of the University of Zaragoza, ideator and coordinator of the book “10001 engineering friends” and member of the Board of Directors of AMIT-Aragón.
    • Beatriz Giner, Vice-Rector for Research at San Jorge University.

13:15 – 13:20 Closing of the day (Alba de Martino, Director of the Knowledge and Innovation Production Area of ​​the Aragonese Institute of Health Sciences-IACS)

To request your place, complete the registration form that you will find in this link, indicating whether you want to participate in the workshop in person or online. Once registration is formalized, if you have selected to participate online in the workshop, you will receive a URL to access it.

For any questions you can contact the IACS Project Area via email at the following address:


17 December, 2021
11: 00 am - 1: 00 pm
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