Today, Monday, October 19, is International Breast Cancer Day, and within the framework of this important date, CRIS against cancer has organized an online workshop to raise awareness among women about the importance of maintaining breast cancer. healthy habits when preventing it. This is a free meeting, which will be directed by Dr. Emilia Gómez Pardo, scientific advisor of the organization.
El target of the initiative is, in effect, to ensure that women are able to identify which routines they maintain in their daily lives increase or reduce the risk of having breast cancer, but also to banish some popular beliefs that are taken as true when , in reality, are wrong.
As the doctor herself explains, there are some key factors when it comes to leading an "oncosalhealthy lifestyle": having a healthy diet, staying active, and avoiding consuming alcohol or tobacco. "Every day there is more scientific evidence that shows that integrating these factors into your life routine protects and reduces the risk of this tumor by up to 40%," she explains. In fact, physical inactivity is a risk factor for health, not only because of weight gain, but because at least 10% of cancers of this type are attributed to it.
And, on the other hand, he adds that, thanks to a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, whole grains and fish, up to 30% of breast cancers can be avoided. This is because they are foods rich in fiber, vitamins, carotenoids and healthy fats, with antioxidant properties.
Monday, October 19, at 19.30:XNUMX p.m.